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What do you think about the royal wedding in United Kingdom? - Printable Version

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What do you think about the royal wedding in United Kingdom? - BuildistGuard - 04-30-2011

Even through I'm american Big Grin I think the marriage was really cool. It was shorter then Diana's I think and I don't know where they will honeymoon. What is your opinion about the wedding?

RE: What do you think about the royal wedding in United Kingdom? - Ice - 04-30-2011

I missed the live wedding. Sad

RE: What do you think about the royal wedding in United Kingdom? - Fire - 04-30-2011

I missed the actual wedding but we watched the kiss in french class.

RE: What do you think about the royal wedding in United Kingdom? - McNoobster - 04-30-2011

(04-30-2011, 12:29 AM)Ice Wrote: I missed the live wedding. Sad

I have it recorded on my TV I tried to stay up and watch it but it was at 1 AM I stayed up until 3 watching it then just decided to put it on recording

RE: What do you think about the royal wedding in United Kingdom? - AK-47 - 04-30-2011

... People actually watch?

RE: What do you think about the royal wedding in United Kingdom? - Slendurrman - 04-30-2011

Its stupid and shouldn't have happened to the tax payers expense. DOWN WITH MONARCHY!

RE: What do you think about the royal wedding in United Kingdom? - toast - 04-30-2011

nawt very interesting if you ask me

RE: What do you think about the royal wedding in United Kingdom? - AK-47 - 04-30-2011

The queen is basically a statue... She barely has power...

RE: What do you think about the royal wedding in United Kingdom? - Sazaho - 04-30-2011

It was, to me, a very historical day- maybe the only marriage of a king (to be) I'll ever see.

RE: What do you think about the royal wedding in United Kingdom? - yugidal - 04-30-2011

I thought it was pretty good. congrats to them!