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Fish!!! - Printable Version

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Fish!!! - Micky - 05-25-2011

You made fun of me! But Luckyly my Brother Who was swiming under the sea recorded this video were you apear, and i share it with all the Buildists!!!

RE: Fish!!! - Qwertygiy - 05-25-2011




That's all you could come up with?

RE: Fish!!! - broloxer - 05-25-2011

I can make fun of anyone here so bad I'd be perma IPed.

Soo... I'd prefer not.

RE: Fish!!! - Micky - 05-25-2011

hey Qwerty, Sundle Fish said that i would be a "LOL" War, I was espacting myself to throw a Rocket at her, but hey! She made fun of me, i needed to Re-attack!
ANdi can come with many other things, but i would be IPed like Broloxer said...

RE: Fish!!! - Qwertygiy - 05-25-2011

Check out the "Hi, I'm backkk!" or whatev. thread that Fish made, and what I put there when McNoobster said "*attackz* :]".

That kind of 'retaliation' is perfectly okay, and makes sense.

RE: Fish!!! - Micky - 05-25-2011

Already saw it!

RE: Fish!!! - Fish - 05-25-2011

(05-25-2011, 12:14 AM)Micky Wrote: You made fun of me! But Luckyly my Brother Who was swiming under the sea recorded this video were you apear, and i share it with all the Buildists!!!

HAHA! YOU GOT MY RELITIVE! I'MA DAM FISH! Well, I caught you talking ontape in a diffrent launagade! >Big Grin
And also, I got a other one!
So got a Problem Officer? :coolface:

RE: Fish!!! - Who - 05-25-2011

I dont find fish ones funny neither

RE: Fish!!! - lol - 05-25-2011

This is the most fucking retarded LOL-war since the Vietnam war. I haven't lol'd one bit, speaking from a person who's username is LOL.

RE: Fish!!! - Micky - 05-25-2011

Thats why i wanted a simple Hand to hand fight! But NOOOOOOOOOOOO Fish wanted a LOL war!