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A Buildism Story - Printable Version

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A Buildism Story - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 07-13-2011

One day, a lone engineer set out to build a new amusement part. He wanted to make his park unique, so he designed a large steel rollercoaster that could reach speeds of 150 miles per hour, which was very rare in the industry. He spent a long time just creating the design, and even longer building it. After the rollercoaster was finished, he knew that some people would want some more things to do, so he bought some smaller rides from a nearby ride company and convinced some restaurants to open locations inside the park.

But on the park's opening day, he noticed a problem. Out of all of the people that visited the park, only a few of them rode the giant rollercoaster. He finally figured out why: riders had to climb a set of steps to get on the coaster, and most of them thought it wasn't worth the effort. And without many people riding the giant coaster, he couldn't take pictures or record videos of it in use to use in advertising that would attract people that actually enjoyed fast roller coasters.

However, lots of people enjoyed the smaller rides and the restaurants, but that led to some problems. The rides and restaurants always had more people waiting in line than they were designed to have, which led to fights among guests and even vandalism and other crimes. After calling the police yet again, he wondered how much longer he was going to be able to keep the place running.

RE: A Buildism Story - Who - 07-13-2011

I this like....the rollercoaster the games and.....the restaurant the forum?
And the steps are like.......learning scripting?

and the vandalism and other crimes.......the drama?

And the "he wondered how much longer he was going to be able to keep the place running".......you closing the site?

RE: A Buildism Story - Fish - 07-13-2011

But then some one in a wheelchair came in, and would of loved to go on the roller coaster. But the steps where stopping him! He had to make a plan, and fast!

RE: A Buildism Story - Nice - 07-13-2011

Cool story. Did you create the story Jacob_? ^_^

RE: A Buildism Story - AK-47 - 07-13-2011

Oh, I could relate this to Buildism a lot...

RE: A Buildism Story - Duck - 07-13-2011

So this is another thread about how nobody scripts decent games?

D00d, I'm making one.

RE: A Buildism Story - Litvyak - 07-14-2011

Oh boy.

RE: A Buildism Story - TheFlame - 07-14-2011

He just basically said he might shut down Buildism if we dont ride the "big" rollercoaster.

RE: A Buildism Story - Login - 07-14-2011

Shouldn't this be in Creations for literature?

RE: A Buildism Story - Chaos - 07-14-2011

Actually, it may as well be in Buildism Discussion. It's about the game, therefore it could be in there.