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The only cool kid here is - Printable Version

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Pages: 1 2

The only cool kid here is - Legacy - 08-28-2011


RE: The only cool kid here is - Hippo - 08-28-2011

So you are an alt?

RE: The only cool kid here is - lol - 08-28-2011

What's wrong with you? First of all no one is "cool" on the Internet, just a word that mentally disabled 10 years old kids use to try to fit in but horribly fail. And Fish? Really? *Insert long line of insults here*

RE: The only cool kid here is - Login - 08-28-2011

If they "try" to fit in, LOL, how do they have such a big crowd? I believe their trying has succeeded, whether you hate them for successfully being cool, or not, or even trying to fit in, they did it.

As to your point nobody is "cool" on the internet, that is an opinion. There is no fact of anyone being cool. Cool is not a fact, unless defined in as temperature. Nobody can be officially "cool" but someone can be cool according to someone else.

RE: The only cool kid here is - lol - 08-28-2011

Next time, get to the point faster, there's no need to give an explanation, but still, really, FISH? He obviously knows little about fish to assume that in such a short time he's been here.

RE: The only cool kid here is - lolyeah - 08-28-2011

Whos fish?

RE: The only cool kid here is - Hippo - 08-28-2011

A very manateeish girl.

RE: The only cool kid here is - lolyeah - 08-28-2011

(08-28-2011, 05:20 PM)CheeseSticks Wrote: A very manateeish girl.

She sounds obsessed with manatees...

RE: The only cool kid here is - lol - 08-28-2011

(08-28-2011, 05:24 PM)lolyeah Wrote:
(08-28-2011, 05:20 PM)CheeseSticks Wrote: A very manateeish girl.

She sounds obsessed with manatees...

She's also extremely annoying and perverted.

RE: The only cool kid here is - Guest - 08-28-2011

And homo and porno addicted....may I go on?