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Stop deleting my posts and please listen - Printable Version

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Stop deleting my posts and please listen - rep2 - 04-24-2013

I made these two posts before they got deleted by Jacob_ in response to Ghosty's ban thread. Ghosty, please read this. I will keep trying to get this to you, and I don't care if it takes a year to, I want you to have an open mind for at least a few minutes so you can hear me out before Jacob_ swiftly deletes again.

[Image: LFQpSC8.png]

RE: Stop deleting my posts and please listen - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 04-24-2013


RE: Stop deleting my posts and please listen - Ghosty - 04-24-2013

Wrote this for your posts to your ban thread. Also, I swear I did not create that Wyew account. I seriously thought it was you being satirical.

I don't recall me intimidating you. I do recall you getting in massive flame wars with Kieron and broloxer in the early days of Buildism when I was mainly inactive, and I do recall you reforming for a while, in the earliest days of Freedom Typers, to the point that your name came up when we were considering new moderators in late 2011.

"What you did was wrong and I do not care if you make it seem otherwise because it IS wrong and there's no way to interpret your actions as other than wrong." What actions? Not allowing you to insult us all the time after dealing with it for 5 months? Getting tired of you making pointless debates over everything? Disliking it when you constantly yell at us for things 2 years ago that nobody else on the entire site recalls us doing?

And don't try to say we didn't punish anyone else for the same things that you've finally been punished for. Oak's been banned numerous times since 2DWorlds swapped over from Buildism. Bikop got IP-banned.

You're starting to take Franco's train of logic, that you are right no matter what everyone else in the world thinks. The 99% vs. the 1% thing. Remember that? You're the 1%. 2DWorlds is the 99%. The 1% says the 99% is wrong and mean and cruel. The 99% says the 1% is wrong and insulting and rude. Who's on the stronger ground? The one guy or the crowd he's been throwing tomatoes at for a week? Who cares if one or two people in the crowd once threw a tomato at the guy a few months ago? He's making it much more unpleasant for every single person there. If he'd taken the time out to speak politely with those one or two people in private, maybe they could have all made an agreement and everyone would be happier. But instead he decides to take on the world because he's right and everyone else is wrong. And those people in the crowd, even if they aren't going to throw tomatoes back, are going to get angry. Even if that guy throwing tomatoes is angrier than any one person in that crowd, he's only one person. There are 99 people in that crowd, and their combined anger is more than his singular anger. In trying to avenge himself upon long-forgotten, potentially misremembered wrongs, he's created much worse problems in the world, and if he thinks he won't get punished by those 99 angry people, he is most obviously not thinking clearly. Isn't he in this mess because he was ticked off by much less? Whatever punishment he wants for those other two people ought to come and hit him at least 50 times harder now.

If you hadn't made this ban-evading account, Myem, it would've just been a 2-week ban. Not the end of the world. Kieron's faced permanent IP bans and is as respected a member of the community now as anyone else. Oak's been permanently IP-banned and survived. And you just got a little 2-week ban that you could've sat out, or if you really couldn't take it, emailed Jacob about.

Now, I don't know. Maybe Jacob will be lenient. Maybe he won't. I can't read his mind. But if you can't realize that apart from BuildistGuard whom you despise, and this Almighty Star guy who I bet is Luckyone (another perma-IPbanned guy from Buildism), nobody here truly sympathizes with you. We're all tired of being sworn at and called retards, idiots, and morons nearly 24/7.

RE: Stop deleting my posts and please listen - rep3 - 04-24-2013

" I don't recall me intimidating you. I do recall you getting in massive flame wars with Kieron and broloxer in the early days of Buildism when I was mainly inactive, and I do recall you reforming for a while, in the earliest days of Freedom Typers, to the point that your name came up when we were considering new moderators in late 2011."
So you're saying that every snarky and negative thing I'm accusing you mods for during that time is completely imaginary? Because I swear, that would be like saying that no one here was never sarcastic or dis-inviting towards me, and yes, I changed a bit, but that didn't mean that you guys didn't have to change too, as much as I do remember some early ridicule on my blog before the double digit pages.

"What actions? Not allowing you to insult us all the time after dealing with it for 5 months? Getting tired of you making pointless debates over everything? Disliking it when you constantly yell at us for things 2 years ago that nobody else on the entire site recalls us doing?"

The action was for banning only me for arguing about actions that have been instigated by other users. If you truly cared about as something as innocent as me harmlessly swearing or arguing about random things, I would have been gone a long time ago, but seeing how this all came together, it was truly because I felt like defending myself. If that thread was never posted, none of this would have happened because you would have never found a reason other than me acting as usual.
And of course no one else recalls, most of them are gone. What do you expect to hear from anyone besides the victim?

"You're starting to take Franco's train of logic, that you are right no matter what everyone else in the world thinks. The 99% vs. the 1% thing. Remember that? You're the 1%. 2DWorlds is the 99%. The 1% says the 99% is wrong and mean and cruel. The 99% says the 1% is wrong and insulting and rude. Who's on the stronger ground? The one guy or the crowd he's been throwing tomatoes at for a week? Who cares if one or two people in the crowd once threw a tomato at the guy a few months ago? He's making it much more unpleasant for every single person there. If he'd taken the time out to speak politely with those one or two people in private, maybe they could have all made an agreement and everyone would be happier. But instead he decides to take on the world because he's right and everyone else is wrong. And those people in the crowd, even if they aren't going to throw tomatoes back, are going to get angry. Even if that guy throwing tomatoes is angrier than any one person in that crowd, he's only one person. There are 99 people in that crowd, and their combined anger is more than his singular anger. In trying to avenge himself upon long-forgotten, potentially misremembered wrongs, he's created much worse problems in the world, and if he thinks he won't get punished by those 99 angry people, he is most obviously not thinking clearly. Isn't he in this mess because he was ticked off by much less? Whatever punishment he wants for those other two people ought to come and hit him at least 50 times harder now."

Of course you would think a quantity over a quality argument is a quality argument. Using that logic, what you did when you spammed those smilies for literally an hour to anger me was good because no one else would think you're making a problem by instigatingly leading me to the so-called "insanity" that I have done in result. It doesn't matter if you thought it helped, it did the exact opposite and you knew exactly what you did and how that would cause even more problems, but again, according to you, it's a good thing because no one cares enough about that but myself to create an argument in opposition to your spamming.

" If you hadn't made this ban-evading account, Myem, it would've just been a 2-week ban. Not the end of the world. Kieron's faced permanent IP bans and is as respected a member of the community now as anyone else. Oak's been permanently IP-banned and survived. And you just got a little 2-week ban that you could've sat out, or if you really couldn't take it, emailed Jacob about."

The thing is, I don't care about the lengitivy, I care about the principal and that's something that you have disregarded with your lack of action to even prevent the flame wars that you fuel along with other users who deserve some punishment if you think my case is a good enough reason to bring up a thread to shame and ban me regardless of my promise prior, although I admit I didn't make it so clear before Jacob_ banned me, and I even started to apologize like I have said before in a deleted post, but of course that was disregarded.

" Now, I don't know. Maybe Jacob will be lenient. Maybe he won't. I can't read his mind. But if you can't realize that apart from BuildistGuard whom you despise, and this Almighty Star guy who I bet is Luckyone (another perma-IPbanned guy from Buildism), nobody here truly sympathizes with you. We're all tired of being sworn at and called retards, idiots, and morons nearly 24/7. "
And I'm tired of you and Jacob_ being so quick to judge especially when you disregard everything you have said immediately after creating this thread and ban me right after I started making reforms, just because I made a few arguments just to get people to understand it from my point of view and not always the mods or Jacob_. Instant executions based on distorted opinions from people in a rush are definitely what we need more, if only the world would see what change has been introduced here, and I'm not talking about for murder or rape.

RE: Stop deleting my posts and please listen - rep3 - 04-24-2013


"lol@myem trying to ban evade"

As much as I want to avoid sounding completely whiny, you have become really annoying to be silenced from, Jacob_, especially when you want to avoid opinions from my side exclusively. It's like I could have expected Ghosty's post from you, but I got that from you, I'm just pointing that out for you in case you ever have this situation ever again so you can recognize what not to do and get a better reception the next time.

RE: Stop deleting my posts and please listen - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 04-24-2013

Who cares, this site probably won't be around in 2 weeks anyway.

RE: Stop deleting my posts and please listen - rep3 - 04-24-2013

And for you information, Jacob_, I feel hurt that you would ban the only user that has tried so persistently to keep people caring about and coming to your site, even if it was not exactly how you wanted it to be with the games, but if we still had the ads, you would have lost half of your income from this site, and honestly, banning me is like the death sentence for your own community. I really like this community, but really, you're not banning me for the community, you obviously don't care, you're just doing it for yourself so you can get this site over with.

If only everyone else knew what they were voting for and could have responded to that, I think that the outcome would have been much different, even from Ghosty or the next fiercest supporter of banning me, but maybe I'm being too optimistic and no one else cares either about the declining activity, but I think everyone should care about your loathing for this place.

RE: Stop deleting my posts and please listen - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 04-24-2013

I like how you assume that you know exactly why the site might be closing. I haven't tried to get anyone to make games in a long time, the problem is the near lack of anything resembling intelligent conversation. I used to actually enjoy spending time here but I don't anymore.

It's not that I don't like arguing and drama at all, I think it can bring more activity to the site and I sometimes enjoy debates myself. But lately the arguing has all been very angry and nonsensical, with everyone throwing around various accusations and insults and not making any attempt to understand the other person's point of view (I'm talking about the whole site in general, not the threads about you getting banned.) That type of arguing is not productive at all in the long term, it just scares off new members and makes the old ones less likely to stay.

And these are the reasons for the site possibly closing soon:
1. Since minish sabotaged the ads I'm literally paying $10 a month so you guys can yell at each other on the internet. Maybe once your mom doesn't buy everything for you you'll understand why this is a problem.
2. I'm almost ready to start advertising Vexillum once I finish a few more features, and when I have another popular site I can get rid of this one.
3. In a few weeks I will have a job so I won't have much time at all for other stuff. I've kept Buildism up through worse times but that was back when I enjoyed it.

Notice that you don't come in anywhere. You're banned because I thought you seemed like a harmful influence, so I asked the community if they agreed. They did so I went with their decision.

RE: Stop deleting my posts and please listen - rep3 - 04-24-2013

" I like how you assume that you know exactly why the site might be closing. I haven't tried to get anyone to make games in a long time, the problem is the
near lack of anything resembling intelligent conversation. I used to actually enjoy spending time here but I don't anymore."
Well, you could have at least made a thread encouraging actual discussion instead of hoping that anyone of us would know your desires by instinct.

" It's not that I don't like arguing and drama at all, I think it can bring more activity to the site and I sometimes enjoy debates myself. But lately the arguing
has all been very angry and nonsensical, with everyone throwing around various accusations and insults and not making any attempt to understand the
other person's point of view (I'm talking about the whole site in general, not the threads about you getting banned.) That type of arguing is not productive
at all in the long term, it just scares off new members and makes the old ones less likely to stay."
I'd like you to show me an example of a decent argument since no one here is going to the guesswork for figurating how to not piss you off. Seriously, we all hope to improve somehow but consequently it turns out much different when there's no one to aid us but ourselves and the chat history.

" 1."
That's great and all, but don't be offended like yesterday when I say that last statement is a bad assumption because believe me, you came out very rude and generalizing there, but I suppose that you think the same for every other user, so, meh.
At least we know now that you have new priorities in mind.
It's probably time for BG and I to start screencapping and saving pages and such, after all, I would want to at least have the memory of this place somewhere else safely while you move on with life and your job, so good luck.

I may have assumed too much, but I still have a question for everyone else; how are you guys planning to improve the community yourselves? It would be a shame if you take the purpose of my banning in vain and not something to remind every one of you that you have a place in this community too.

RE: Stop deleting my posts and please listen - Oak - 04-24-2013

Now you know how it feels when you got me banned many times, Myem.