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+--- Thread: DON'T YOU WORRY DON'T YOU WORRY CHILD (/showthread.php?tid=10080)

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RE: DON'T YOU WORRY DON'T YOU WORRY CHILD - Invader - 09-18-2012

Get the fuck out.

RE: DON'T YOU WORRY DON'T YOU WORRY CHILD - Archived_Latinxassassin - 09-18-2012

You have no manners when you try to talk in forums.

RE: DON'T YOU WORRY DON'T YOU WORRY CHILD - Invader - 09-18-2012

You need them on forums with people you don't know?

RE: DON'T YOU WORRY DON'T YOU WORRY CHILD - Archived_Latinxassassin - 09-18-2012

If you had manners, you could have made more forum friends than the amount you have now.

RE: DON'T YOU WORRY DON'T YOU WORRY CHILD - Invader - 09-18-2012

I don't care if some people don't like me.

RE: DON'T YOU WORRY DON'T YOU WORRY CHILD - Archived_Latinxassassin - 09-18-2012

It's better having friends than enemies.

RE: DON'T YOU WORRY DON'T YOU WORRY CHILD - Invader - 09-18-2012

I like enemies.

RE: DON'T YOU WORRY DON'T YOU WORRY CHILD - Archived_Latinxassassin - 09-18-2012

Then you have a bad future ahead of you...

RE: DON'T YOU WORRY DON'T YOU WORRY CHILD - Invader - 09-18-2012

Do I care what you think?

RE: DON'T YOU WORRY DON'T YOU WORRY CHILD - Archived_Latinxassassin - 09-19-2012

I'm just telling the truth... it's not 100% accurate, but true on the most part.