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How much money do you spend on video games yearly on average? - Printable Version

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RE: How much money do you spend on video games yearly on average? - Caesar - 01-30-2013

(01-30-2013, 07:06 PM)VenomSinister Wrote: 1 year? :O
Like 800 euro



RE: How much money do you spend on video games yearly on average? - DysLabs - 01-30-2013

Not forgetting to mention the euro is doing a lot better than the dollar.
Anyway, $0.00
Except for last year, when I bought the Portal & Portal 2.

RE: How much money do you spend on video games yearly on average? - Void - 01-30-2013

At least 200-300 USD in 2012.

RE: How much money do you spend on video games yearly on average? - Leonartist - 01-30-2013

Under $50

RE: How much money do you spend on video games yearly on average? - VenomSinister - 01-30-2013

No I don't use 800. Tongue Probably like 200.

RE: How much money do you spend on video games yearly on average? - Ghosty - 01-30-2013

Well, let's see. Last year, nothing. Didn't buy any games, game consoles, nothin'.

The year before that, same thing.

So, really, I don't spend much Smile

RE: How much money do you spend on video games yearly on average? - Oak - 01-30-2013


There is no need to spend when you have nothing to spend with.
Video games generally get boring for me.

RE: How much money do you spend on video games yearly on average? - Innerwebs - 01-30-2013

Steam Sales... My poor wallet...

RE: How much money do you spend on video games yearly on average? - Pit - 02-03-2013

Maybe about £250. Lol.

RE: How much money do you spend on video games yearly on average? - Oak - 02-03-2013

Inner, please don't tell me that you've spent everything you have ever had..