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2DWorlds should have some short of blog. - Printable Version

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RE: 2DWorlds should have some short of blog. - Ghosty - 11-10-2012

Me? Develop this? What?!

My Java skills are novice at best, and complex project completion is not something I'm known for.

I'll get back to you on this when I stop simultaneously blushing like a girl on her first date and laughing like a B-movie villain from the 50's.

RE: 2DWorlds should have some short of blog. - Walrus - 11-10-2012

Qwerty, at least Jacob_ would have assistance at the very most.

You are respectful, very polite, you always listen, you are always on, ect.

You are what every site owner dreams of having in a dev.

RE: 2DWorlds should have some short of blog. - Ghosty - 11-10-2012

I'm flattered, but for many reasons I just don't think it would be a very good idea.

For one, Jacob has shown himself to be more than capable of running the code end of things. The only limitations that I can see to what he does here is his time and his patience with the community (and on the latter, he's definitely had more than I've had).

For another, solo programming and group projects are very different in style. When you have more than one person working on things, especially when none of them have worked in many collaborative projects previously, it's very easy to wind up in knots. When you're alone, you can mess with anything you want and you usually never have to go back and wonder "What did I change here?" You don't have that option when you're working with others.

My skills as a programmer are not very advanced. I've never made anything in Java besides Minecraft mods, and because of the heavy usage of existing APIs, those are closer to 2DWorlds-style scripting than programming. And my algebra isn't awful, but every single time I've made something with advanced math, I've spent upwards of an hour redoing it.

And finally, this may sound crazy but I'm not too terribly 'involved' with Buildism/2DWorlds anymore. I've spent less than a week's worth actually making games in the past year. Other things in life have taken up the attention that I had lying around a year and a half ago, and writing/talking with my friend/working with Minecraft/making music/etc. are more important to me than delving into the still-partially-buggy, often-frustrating environment of the 2DWorlds editor to work out code to make a tiny 2D game for hours at a time. [This isn't to say that it's particularly more buggy or frustrating than any other programming environment; scripting in Roblox and modding Minecraft are also quite often stressful.]

If Jacob decides he really wants me as a member of any official 2DWorlds team, I'd be happy to help out, but not as a code dev. Graphics I can do; music I can do; community moderation I can do (but as I said above, I have other things to do and dealing with drama here can get in the way of more productive things); spreading the word about this place I can do; writing advertisements I can do; working on games when I have the time and motivation I can do. But Java coding I cannot.

RE: 2DWorlds should have some short of blog. - Walrus - 11-10-2012

Why don't you apply yourself?
Why don't you ask Jacob_ to be a graphic designer for the site or maybe even an HTML coder for the site too?

I'm also hoping that you aren't flattered sexually.


RE: 2DWorlds should have some short of blog. - Ghosty - 11-10-2012

I'm more than happy to stay as just an active community member doing his (or her? >Tongue) best to help the site succeed.

RE: 2DWorlds should have some short of blog. - Walrus - 11-10-2012

Well you are still a mod, right?

RE: 2DWorlds should have some short of blog. - Ghosty - 11-10-2012

Nope. There's no real need for them at the moment -- in fact, apart from banning Franco alts, there's been no real need for them for months. If this gets popular enough that Jacob needs help handling the community, I'm sure he'll do what he did in March 2011 and choose the best people for the community moderation team. But as long as it stays more or less the remains of Buildism, I think he can handle it fine.

RE: 2DWorlds should have some short of blog. - Walrus - 11-10-2012

we need you