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[split] My opinion about Buildism - Printable Version

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RE: Ask the Staff Thread - Qwertygiy - 07-31-2011

I love how people keep calling this sandbox game a copy of ROBLOX, which is a building-block game that is a copy of Lego... Mark Twain would have a field day.

And those items are all USER-CREATED CONTENT.

RE: Ask the Staff Thread - Ming-Yan - 07-31-2011

All application/game builders look the same. Programs for making games with Java, Xcode 4, Unity, MMF, I think Game maker looks similar to that, and the list goes on.
It's because people have adapted to it and if it were to change people would go "WHAT THE CRAP?" that's why Xcode 3 is such crap.

RE: Ask the Staff Thread - Counterclockwork - 07-31-2011

(07-31-2011, 08:48 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: I love how people keep calling this sandbox game a copy of ROBLOX, which is a building-block game that is a copy of Lego... Mark Twain would have a field day.

And those items are all USER-CREATED CONTENT.

I love how you have so many titles, but are so ignorant of a new user's questions and perspective on this site that you put so much effort into. Stereotype some more, because generalizing and singling me out in this thread as a comparison to users who have made claims in it the past is pathetic.

RE: Ask the Staff Thread - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 07-31-2011

(07-31-2011, 08:47 PM)Counterclockwork Wrote:
(07-31-2011, 08:23 PM)Ming-Yan Wrote: No game is original anymore.


(07-31-2011, 08:26 PM)Login Wrote: Nobody makes things from complete imagination. That's a common misconception. You have to get inspired. You see something good, for example, from minecraft. You'll definitely want the idea to twist it and make it even better. Minecraft got the inspiration from playing a game. And that game was inspired because of a survival topic and things that do happen.


That's the most stubborn minded thing I've heard in a while. Do you know how easy it would be to create an entirely new game that was nothing like any other? Its very easy, incredibly. Though saying that because most games created through inspiration of another is all the reason for you do to the same, is rediculous. e.g "Oh hey, I like ROBLOX. So I'll make the same exact thing in my inspiration."

Its not like you aren't allowed to, this site is obviously here for a reason. Though regardless of what you didn't interfere with to exist copyright wise, the fact is that you're putting yourself in the red from the beginning. Being inspired is one thing, but starting a poor-quality building game that is almost exactly the same when compared to other popular ones is just stupid. Its like if I tried making a game to top World of Warcraft because I was inspired by it. I've not only got to compete with it, but put in the effort which will more than likely be self-defeating.

Sure. Infact, I'll just start a list.

Domino Crown in the same exact Format as the ROBLOX one. If you were to ever pass that as an original making, you're an idiot.
Domino Crown [2].
Though that is only a test, it still leaves large evidence behind about the ROBLOX ideals being taken.
Oh look, a 2008 guest. Sure I'm assuming it was a joke, but that only leaves once again more reason to question the rest of the website's originallity with their 'ideas'.
Oh wow, the void star with the old 2006 ROBLOX default character coloring format.
You script LUA, just like ROBLOX. In a game that works and has already had remade games, from ROBLOX in it.

Point being, there tons of things that are ROBLOX related in the skins section. Along with a few obvious Minecraft ones you could put aside as just a joke or for fun. Though regardless it only makes a person even more suspicious of the originallity of the site yet again, after seeing the randomized text in the upper right. The same exact thing that Minecraft does. - It doesn't matter who did it before, but the popularity is the key. If there's a game with 20,000,000 users, and you claim these ideas existed before them

You all can try and take a game's outline and idea, then rename it but not many people are going to fall for it and believe it was really your idea from the start. When I see Buildism everywhere on the site, I'm seeing ROBLOX. Did ROBLOX take their general idea from Legos? Yes, but they never published it as a free-online multi-player game where you can pretty much do anything. Lego-games in 2004, and old days when they were developing ROBLOX were hardly existant in-fact. Near that time it transitioned from RL legos, to flash games, to PS2 games, etc.

You can moan and groan all you want because of the effort you're putting in, but this will be nothing more than an independant project. If it were to ever get popular, skeptists would shoot you down in an instant. If this EVER had the popularity of Minecraft, ROBLOX, Steam, actually successful games. The majority of the population would shoot you down instantly, because its OBVIOUS that these ideas were already used, not only in ROBLOX, but many places and games.

Game creators don't make games like existing ones because they're lazy. They do it because those other games have already proven to be popular with players; just look at the FPS genre.

I sometimes read the TIGSource forums, and there's always really cool experimental games there. Usually these are getting a lot less attention than they deserve, not because they're boring or poorly made but because a lot of people have no idea what the game is about, and they're too lazy to install it and find out.

@"List of things:"

You do realize that all of those things are made by users, right? I'm sure that roblox is filled with minecraft and tf2 content and nobody cares about it

RE: Ask the Staff Thread - Qwertygiy - 07-31-2011

Here's some counter-examples to consider:
  • Roblox is building blocks. Buildism is clearly not. To put parts inside parts on ROBLOX, it takes a complicated process of CFraming that even I hate. Buildism, you just click on a button and you have a new square or circle there.
  • Lua is used in many games. Nobody's calling Gary's Mod or World of Warcraft a copy of ROBLOX. And ours is a bit different from ROBLOX -- we're even outphasing our equivalent of wait().
  • ROBLOX uses Ogre for its physics and runs as an EXE. Buildism uses Java and does not have to be run as an executable.
  • On ROBLOX, you have money and a catalog and membership and all this corporate capitalism stuff and the focus is more on customizable avatars and add-ons than on building. Here, Jacob_ refuses to implement a currency for that reason.
  • Roblox has no equivalent to our terrain, ropes, hinges, Platforms, or the Flip properties of Textures.
  • We're not 3D and it's not even possible to make good 3D stuff here. Roblox's 2D system stinks.
  • Our skins are almost completely user created -- so not only will you have some ROBLOX stuff just like you have Minecraft stuff on ROBLOXm but you can entirely create your own character so its easier to "copy".
  • Humanoid block shape? See Blockland, MineCraft, etc.

RE: Ask the Staff Thread - Blandflakes - 07-31-2011

(07-31-2011, 08:56 PM)Counterclockwork Wrote:
(07-31-2011, 08:48 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: I love how people keep calling this sandbox game a copy of ROBLOX, which is a building-block game that is a copy of Lego... Mark Twain would have a field day.

And those items are all USER-CREATED CONTENT.

I love how you have so many titles, but are so ignorant of a new user's questions and perspective on this site that you put so much effort into. Stereotype some more, because generalizing and singling me out in this thread as a comparison to users who have made claims in it the past is pathetic.

You can't judge buildism's website by user uploaded content.

RE: Ask the Staff Thread - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 07-31-2011

Also, I should point out that I PLAYED Lego games in 2004, not just in 2004 but in 2001. There was even a 3D one released in 2002.

And these were released by the actual Lego company, not some American startup trying to capitalize on their success.

RE: [split] My opinion about Buildism - Qwertygiy - 07-31-2011

And I think I actually remember something about a Lego sandbox game released in 1999, reading about it in the DK "Lego" book.

RE: [split] My opinion about Buildism - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 07-31-2011

This one? http://web.archive.org/web/20060912054853/http://ldd.lego.com/

RE: [split] My opinion about Buildism - Qwertygiy - 07-31-2011

Maybe, if it started with a CD. But that is definitely an even better example -- that looks like the equivalent of ROBLOX to me at around the same time or earlier.