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The Chaos Thread - Printable Version

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RE: The Chaos Thread - Ghosty - 03-25-2013

There was talk of them having to relocate in the early '90s. None of the islands is more than 6 feet (either that or 6 meters...) above sea level, if I remember correctly. So yeah, global warming is a very, very serious problem for them.

RE: The Chaos Thread - Oak - 03-26-2013

Wow, the Maldives are really pretty but it's scary how low-lying and small the island is. Geographically, it seems to be similar to Malta.

RE: The Chaos Thread - ijfeswijfae - 03-26-2013

(03-24-2013, 09:52 PM)Myem Wrote:
(03-24-2013, 07:57 AM)Myem Wrote:
(03-23-2013, 05:06 AM)Myem Wrote:
(03-17-2013, 04:32 AM)Myem Wrote: [spoiler][Image: cceDYBc.png][/spoiler]
116 flags.
[spoiler][Image: TrJcAvw.png][/spoiler]
125 flags.
[spoiler][Image: ywAIOpv.png][/spoiler]
127 flags.
[spoiler][Image: bfeYY5R.png][/spoiler]
129 flags.

New flags: Nepal, Bangladesh, and Zimbabwe.

[Image: tNnSmFF.png]

133 flags.

RE: The Chaos Thread - Oak - 03-28-2013


bring back rhodesia pls so mugabe can live in a sewer

RE: The Chaos Thread - Ghosty - 03-31-2013

SoundCloud added a new "Here's the Drop!" feature today. It's stupidly inaccurate most of the time so far...

But there is at least one case of it being hilariously accurate.

Check out the 'drop' here.

EDIT: Aw well... They removed it again. But it was... "Deploying surprise in 5. 4. 3. [HERE'S THE DROP!™ --->] Time out for a second. That wasn't supposed to happen."

RE: The Chaos Thread - ijfeswijfae - 04-05-2013

[Image: nVz10j8.png]

143 flags.

RE: The Chaos Thread - ijfeswijfae - 04-09-2013

[Image: Wp4oFDK.png]

146 flags.

RE: The Chaos Thread - Ghosty - 04-09-2013

The good thing about being sick?

I get to sit around doing nothing, watching Disney movies with Mysty.

Wreck It Ralph Wrote:Mysty: *okay...so we open it up....then make sure the button is dragged all the way back at the beginning....and then, once the clock turns 12:32 we hit the play button....this has to be done exactly at the same time >.>...

me: *won't work... because our clocks will be off a little Tongue One of us can just send "Go" and once the other sees it, they can click play. It'll only be off by 2 seconds max Tongue
12:32 PM
Mysty: * then go...

me: *it's not open yet Tongue

Mysty: *oh my goodness...how about you send go...heheh

me: *alright then. do you have it set up?
12:33 PM
Mysty: *yes...yes I have it set up

me: *then go Big Grin

Mysty: *and it is going ;D

*pretty pretty castle

me: *disney castle and all that, fireworks, yay, etc
12:34 PM
*and weird mickey 8-bit

Mysty: *oh my goodness pixel steamboat willie
12:35 PM
me: *Tongue magic hammer, heheh.

Mysty: *yep....I mean...if he was a regular carpenter kind of thing...you know...:/
12:36 PM
*heh heh...tappers

*the nicelanders are so adorable...

me: *the way they move... heheheheh.
12:37 PM
*everything's so 'glitchy' Tongue

Mysty: *yup.....


*...coming up..."thanks satan"...
12:38 PM
me: *who else will crush man skull between thighs liek sparrow egg??!


Mysty: *does not mean you are bad guy.....labels not make you happy....ung....you must love you.....
12:39 PM
*thanks satan...XD

*Oh my Goodness


Mysty: *TURBO

*one game at a time...
12:40 PM
me: *trying to guess who that guy who looks like the superhero is... I know most of the other major bad guys there...

Mysty: *so cute

me: *pac-man Ralph is... yeah, like I was about to say Tongue

Mysty: * pac man ralph
12:41 PM
*here comes Sonic's one line

me: *my dad commented on the music here... it's from something, but I forget what

Mysty: *oh my goodness....did you see that...?!

me: *Lara croft!

*heheh, and see what?

Mysty: *there there
12:42 PM
*Sonic's one line...

me: *so? that's all he deserves Tongue

Mysty: *but what I was talking about was....they have the dinosaur from Meet the Robinson's!!!!

*oh wow...hobo clown


me: *the strobe disco... heh, you know people actually look glitchy like that in disco?
12:43 PM
Mysty: *they invited....pac man...how could they?!

me: *coke bottle binoculars.. I missed that the first time

Mysty: *you did?

*not mario...

12:44 PM

me: *both of them remind me of me whenever someone tries to start a conversation with me

Mysty: *hey glen....ralph...(slams door)


me: *and of course I don't know where Glen is from..
12:45 PM
Mysty: *(glasses drop)

*well...why are you here Gene..?...huh?! huh?!

me: *demon ralph cake Tongue
12:46 PM
Mysty: * "My cake"

*that hurts...flicked off cake
12:47 PM
*ouch...that hurts...

me: *pacman's response


Mysty: *cake splatters are digital

me: *and the pixelated splatters -- dangit quit stealing my comments XD

Mysty: *hehehe....mwuhahah

me: *the lady cuddling all the cake puppets


Mysty: *tappers...looks like Mario

me: *nah, more like Mr Potato Head
12:48 PM
*Oh Suzanna music

Mysty: *heheh mushroom


* gross!!
12:49 PM
me: *for some reason I'm thinking Buzz Lightyear now

Mysty: *medal of the heroes.....pretty shiny....


me: *the pictures

*I see sonic... space invaders...


Mysty: *heheh....eew Zangeef
12:50 PM
*smells like Ralph in here...

12:51 PM
me: *2 bucks for an arcade game... whew....

Mysty: *little girl with gun O.O

me: *yeah, video games have gotten stupid like that....

Mysty: *I luv my mumma

me: *1st person shooter Tongue

Mysty: *sweet mother hubbit
12:52 PM
me: *dubstep music.... ow..

Mysty: *crud...bugs...big bugs...
12:53 PM
*heheh...take her!!

me: *can you pause for about a second? I think mine glitched earlier and I'm lagging just a tiny tiny bit

Mysty: *no cuts no buts no coconuts....
12:54 PM
*ok...stopped at 20:47

me: *alright trying to get it there
12:55 PM
*alright paused there, pressing play in 3...




Mysty: *sugar rush

me: *my dad had me play the theme song to that the day afterwards for a musician friend of his he'd seen the movie with before..
12:56 PM
Mysty: *like my nana

me: *like my nana!

Mysty: * haha
12:57 PM
me: *the Great Sign of Doom....

Mysty: *pull our plug?!

*or not...

me: *ex que are bee stewrod

Mysty: *quebertese
12:58 PM
me: *no no, Q-bert

Mysty: *gasp

me: *or rather Q*bert

Mysty: *wow...no google format

me: *fix it felix is a fast jumper

Mysty: *jiminy jaminy
12:59 PM

*flattery don't charge these batteries civilian....

me: *I can't help but think of Roblox here... the egg drops they have every Easter look like this...

Mysty: *nice eggs...nice eggs....
1:00 PM
*epic cake

me: *watch the guy in the dump XD

Mysty: *slams coke bottles

me: *aie yi yi

*grace under pressure, and dignity....
1:01 PM
Mysty: *oh no....

*hehe...slow mo

me: *who was that

*was that sonic I saw?

Mysty: *sonic...

*someone lost their rings...

*I'm from the candy tree department...
1:02 PM
*coming up

*Sugar Rush!

me: *not the song... NOT THE SONG gaahhhhh

*once you learn to play a song you dislike IT NEVER LEAVES YOUR HEAD

Mysty: *heheh
1:03 PM
*one of the best lines coming up...

*"are you a hobo?"

me: *heheh.

Mysty: *routine candy tree trimming

*just me today

me: *the royal we?


1:04 PM
me: *stop copying me!

Mysty: *This conversation is ovah

*a doiy

*sweet mother of monkey milk

*double stripe
1:05 PM
*lying to a child

me: *notice how that one lasts like 10 seconds?

*or 20?

Mysty: *yep

me: *then poof

Mysty: *it just makes her more awesome...

*like a crazy person
1:06 PM

me: *Yes! (WRONG)

*hahah, the pong paddles

Mysty: *heheh

*space man

*most tragic backstory

*gun under dress
1:07 PM
me: *rock wedding march... I'm thinking Trans-siberian orchestra had a hand in that.

Mysty: *epic


me: his voice... when he gets mad... heheheh. I am *com ing a long with you.

*curse you google

*curse you a billion times over

Mysty: *Taffita!.....grr...
1:08 PM
me: *All hail...

Mysty: *oh wow...so happy and cheerful...oh there's the king...

*kitties jumping on cookie
1:09 PM
me: *adorabeasel winterpop? lolwut


me: *candlehead? really who wants a name like that?
1:10 PM
*I can't realize.... who it is he looks like... something...

*Michelin isn't it... OH I know

*the thing from Mucinex commercials
1:11 PM
Mysty: *haha...giant cupcake

me: *my head!

Mysty: *she lost her head...

*"and I'm in it!


me: *O REEE O

Mysty: *oreo

1:12 PM
*cart is throne....cool...

me: *yeah... genius Tongue

Mysty: *salmon


Mysty: *obviously salmon

*how interesting.....
1:13 PM
*Easy Your puffiness

me: *he gets very very upset about someone going turbo....

Mysty: *yes...very...upset...

me: *beyond the halitosis!

Mysty: *you so obviously suffer from

1:14 PM
*oh my sour bill...


me: *devil dogs Tongue

Mysty: *heheh...devil dogs...

me: *and the straw...

Mysty: *darth vader...?
1:15 PM
*aww...I hate this next part D:

me: *they all remind me of Strawberry Shortcake for some reason, except Vanellope

Mysty: *yep

me: *pixlexia, hahahah
1:16 PM
Mysty: *pixlexia!!!!!!HAHA

*hate this part...so much!!!

*rotten little cavities!!
1:17 PM
me: *uh oh

Mysty: *heheh

me: *Tongue

Mysty: *HAHAH.....wiping!!

*say why...

1:18 PM
me: *glitch....

Mysty: *woah....

*Ralph....my main man...

*coming up



*you son of a gun!
1:19 PM

me: *she really reminds me of a combination of you and my youngest sister Tongue she talks like that all the time

Mysty: *heheh!!....

*going on about cake and medals...
1:20 PM
*this is where you have to listen to the voice...

me: *RoadBlasters was an actual game

Mysty: *that's how I knew it was the king....

*the same voice

me: *I didn't figure it out until a handful of minutes before the big reveal, in the tunnel
1:21 PM
*nesquick sand!

Mysty: *woooow...(big slow clap)

me: *I'm hopless!

Mysty: *I'm hopless!!!


me: *boooo....

Mysty: *NO MAM!!
1:22 PM
me: *his nose

Mysty: *his teeth

me: *and this part is annoying

Mysty: *woah...

*la la la....(gun)...crap

*can do!
*there it is!!

*heh heh...Kart Bakery

me: *full on criminal, eh?

Mysty: *hey, we shook on it!

me: *"thank you, Jeeves" yeah, definitely reminds me of you Tongue
1:24 PM
Mysty: *yeah....shucks....heheh

*underpants...no no...!

me: *ralph cake, yum!

Mysty: *hold it...hold it!!

*4 doiy!
1:25 PM

*aww...she loves it....

me: *the Z's Tongue
1:26 PM
Mysty: *cream puffs....beard papa...

*aww...the signature....

me: *not smiliing! I'm gassy....

*no, he only glazed me!

Mysty: *HAHAH

me: *my favorite line
1:27 PM
Mysty: *I know...Wink


me: *sugar free lollipops? WHAT


1:28 PM
Mysty: *I can feel it in my code...


*not cool....unhygenic....and boring....

*yeah...grown up stuff...
1:29 PM
me: *there's a level in Mater-National that looks a lot like this, out of sandstone

*broiling hot soda..?

*little homeless lady Tongue

Mysty: *ADORABLE....

RE: The Chaos Thread - ijfeswijfae - 04-10-2013

"help fight thread pollution"

Why did you steal Jacob_'s exact phrase?

RE: The Chaos Thread - ijfeswijfae - 04-10-2013

[Image: 3axI55f.png]

149 flags.