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About Ashely - Printable Version

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RE: About Ashely - Bramwell - 04-15-2011

(04-15-2011, 01:22 AM)broloxer Wrote:
(04-15-2011, 01:21 AM)Bramwell Wrote:
(04-15-2011, 01:20 AM)broloxer Wrote:
(04-15-2011, 01:17 AM)Bramwell Wrote:
(04-15-2011, 01:15 AM)Ashely Wrote: Fire, I'm shocked by what you have said =/ All I said was too stop with the joking because the guest on our site see that and leave, We want them to stay and join not leave.

Let me settle this now, Rare I banned you for 4 extra days because your disrespect towards the mods, you got banned on rare and went on your brothers account and continued your rage which got you the 4 extra days, don't blame anyone but yourself.

I'm strict at times, but I'm a really nice person. Rare has gotten me to the point where I can't even describe. By-gones will be by-gones I'll give him another chance.

Dragon_, I honestly think your Rare, You say Rare has thought you stuff but you seem to know everything and everyone on your first day of joining.

As of now I have nothing more to say to the people that dis-like me, I could really care less if you don't like me. I have my friends on here who like me and I love them for being my friends.


When you say "disrespect", was he breaking any rules? Was he cursing? If not, then there's no real reason to ban him. Just because he is "disrespectful" doesn't mean that he deserves to be banned.

So, Bram you're saying we can harass the mods and they aren't allowed to ban us?

Harassment is different than simply being a jerk.

Rare was being both. :doubt:

Oh. Well, then I suppose that's as good a reason as any to ban.

RE: About Ashely - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 04-15-2011

Quote:When you say "disrespect", was he breaking any rules? Was he cursing? If not, then there's no real reason to ban him. Just because he is "disrespectful" doesn't mean that he deserves to be banned.

We aren't limited to stuff that's in the rules. If someone is hurting the community, they will be punished for it.

RE: About Ashely - Dragon_ - 04-15-2011

And Jacob_ I cant be anymore sorry (Im on my brothers account, he let me. I didnt hack him). But I cant change the past. And forums should only be used for help or discussion. I did bad. I will never do it again. I cant be more sorry v.v

RE: About Ashely - AK-47 - 04-15-2011

This argument is filling up the forum...

RE: About Ashely - Sazaho - 04-15-2011

(04-14-2011, 10:57 PM)Dragon_ Wrote: Me and Bramwell seem not like here as a moderator. She threatened to ban me unless I tell here im my little brother and that if I message any of the staff about moderator info that she will delete me. Rare doesnt seem to mind here but my youngest brother, Haze seems to really be scared and is causing some sort of flame war on ROBLOX. What do you guys think?

She's a responsible moderator- Your brother caused MAYHEM

RE: About Ashely - Land - 04-15-2011

Is this still going on?

Let it die already.

RE: About Ashely - Sazaho - 04-15-2011

Rare, Haze, and Dragon- Just stop making these posts.