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Should the United States lift it's 50 year embargo on Cuba? - Printable Version

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Should the United States lift it's 50 year embargo on Cuba? - BuildistGuard - 12-13-2013

Should the United States lift it's embargo on Cuba. The United States had the embargo on Cuba since 1962 during the Cuban missile crisis and the extreme reactionary fear of Communism.

RE: Should the United States lift it's 50 year embargo on Cuba? - rep3 - 12-13-2013

Travel to Cuba has also been extremely restricted ever since the embargo was imposed.

RE: Should the United States lift it's 50 year embargo on Cuba? - BuildistGuard - 12-13-2013

Cuba before the revolution was a shithole, in which a U.S backed dictator (Fulgencio Batista) ruled over Cuba, and here is some statistics:

Up to 20,000 Cuban or even more were killed by the Batista regime.

RE: Should the United States lift it's 50 year embargo on Cuba? - Leonartist - 12-15-2013

I voted yes