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Shitty Story Rant - Printable Version

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Shitty Story Rant - rep3 - 12-24-2013



"It was looking like it would be another typical day for Mysty -- the sky was slightly overcast, thin enough to let the early morning sun shine through but spread across the whole sky as if threatening to summon a rain shower in the afternoon; her mom had already left for work, as usual, without so much as a note; the thermometer in the window read 71 degrees, promising another hot day that the clouds suggested would be tortuously humid; and the town of Rockton was beginning to wake itself up, though the street just outside her window was still quiet. All in all, she thought, getting out of bed and out of her pajamas, it'll be another dull day, just like yesterday, and the day before, and last week, and..."

Alright, if it's so much of a "boring" day for this "Mysty" character, then why the hell does she not consider some common sense idea to keep her entertained? Isn't this Rockton? (Going by the name-) We aren't talking about a boring shanty Mexican village, we're apparently talking about some city in Canada since it would be incredibly whiny sounding for even some Americans to complain about a measly 71 degrees. Last time I checked, Canada wasn't a boring or barely developing country. Sheesh.

"She stopped. What had the week before last been like? Her mind was a total blank. Pushing her shoulder-length brownish-black hair out of her face, she found she couldn't recall last month, or last year, or anything that had happened more than... 8? 11? 10 days ago, that was it --she could remember last Friday, but not last Thursday. Slightly anxious, she reasoned that maybe she just hadn't fully woken up yet, and went downstairs to pour a glass of apple juice. She found that not only could she not remember anything before last Friday, she could only remember bits of anything since then. As she slowly drank it, she kept trying to recall something, anything about her life. Her address? 801 Persia Street, in the small city of Rockton, United States. No idea what state it was in, though, that was worrying. Her age? She was 15, but had no idea when her birthday was. She knew it was June, but, definitely anxious now, had to glance at the calendar on the refrigerator to know the year. Then true panic set in when she realized she couldn't even remember her own last name."

Oh boy, apparently the author wanted to appeal to a certain hair color demographic. How lucky must the person with "brownish-black hair" feel to be so relatable to the character. Wow, I'm so envious. "8? 11?" Conspiracy, anyone? Replace "8" with "9". Gasp. Inside job. Oh, and she lives in the United States of America. Yeah. So much for Canada, but don't worry, I have a feeling that Canada will be relevant later. Let's take note that the author lives in one of the south Atlantic states. I'm not exactly sure if the bitchiness of the weather is being projected onto Mysty, or if the author is simulating the bitchiness of the people she has met personally. Whatever.

RE: Shitty Story Rant - Ghosty - 12-24-2013

FYI, here in the South, 71 degrees at 7 AM in the summer means it's likely going to be in the 90's at noon. That is all I would like to comment on Smile

Oh, and that my intro has been under a planned semi-rewrite for some months now that the character of Mysty is better developed with the real one. Don't get too attached to it.

RE: Shitty Story Rant - rep3 - 12-24-2013

(12-24-2013, 01:51 PM)Ghosty Wrote: FYI, here in the South, 71 degrees at 7 AM in the summer means it's likely going to be in the 90's at noon. That is all I would like to comment on Smile

Oh, and that my intro has been under a planned semi-rewrite for some months now that the character of Mysty is better developed with the real one. Don't get too attached to it.

I voted for Eugene V Debs, you motherfucker. Who are you in hell to be so snarky and then tell me what to fucking be attached to? FYI, I live in motherfucking south Texas, bitch.