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Rep, Leon, and Guard's Obscure Thread - Printable Version

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Rep, Leon, and Guard's Obscure Thread - rep3 - 12-19-2013

This thread is dedicated to retrieving documentation and information of and about obscure people (most preferably from the past).

I might also allow information of obscure events that a well known person was involved it.

RE: Rep, Leon, and Guard's Obscure Thread - rep3 - 12-19-2013

Fred C. Wheeler

The Tacoma times., March 27, 1909

LOS ANGELES, March 27.--
George Alexander, the so-called "reform" defeated Fred C. Wheeler, socialist candidate, in the election for mayor yesterday by the narrow margin of 1650 votes in a total of over 25,000. Wheel carried several wards."

PALO ALTO, Cal., Sept. 16.--Officials from many California cities are expected to attend the twenty-fourth annual convention of the league of California municipalities to be held at Stanford university here
Sept. 19-23.
Mayor Louis Bartlett of Berkely is president of the league. The other officers are F. C. Marritt, assistant city clerk of Oakland, first vice president: Fred C. Wheeler, councilman of Los Angeles, second vice president: William J. Locke, San Francicso, executive secretary, and H. A. Mason, San Francisco, secretary-treasurer.
Delegates will be housed at Encina Hall, a men's dormitory on the Stanford campus."

Alright, so we know that this Fred C. Wheeler guy was almost mayor of Los Angeles a hundred years ago and was in some league.