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BUILDISTGUARD, BUILDYBOY - rep3 - 01-26-2014

Leonartist has just disappeared a few days ago, he hasn't even checked the site since he last chatted with me, this is worrying because he always at least checks.

RE: BUILDISTGUARD, BUILDYBOY - BuildistGuard - 01-26-2014

I couldn't log in yesterday because the internet on every computer except 1 computer (which is my little brother's computer) lost the fucking connection.

Edit 1: Leonartist probably isn't on because he is probably hanging out with his friends a lot, his family is busy, and/or going to a lot of parties.

RE: BUILDISTGUARD, BUILDYBOY - rep3 - 01-26-2014

Well, this might be kind of embarrassing to say out loud for Leon, but he doesn't really have any parties nor much friends and neither do I, and as for his family, he at least gets on for a few seconds almost everyday. He's completely disappeared without any warning since the last time we chatted.

RE: BUILDISTGUARD, BUILDYBOY - buildyboy - 01-28-2014

Must be his family or school or internet then

My internet stops sometimes and i have homework AND i have classes, don't think that it's the end of the world if Leon or me doesn't check often

RE: BUILDISTGUARD, BUILDYBOY - Leonartist - 01-30-2014

I'm back actually.