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A suggestion for bomb mechanics. - Printable Version

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A suggestion for bomb mechanics. - ILiekMudkipz - 12-31-2010

What if a bomb instead of unleashing a "shockwave" launched/generated a circular field of invisible "killbricks"?.

Ex. you set a bomb in front of a thick wall and you go on other side, the bomb detonates and you still get hurt, with invisi brick idea the bomb wont affect you.

it kinda sounds hard to understand in written form....

RE: A suggestion for bomb mechanics. - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 12-31-2010

The explosion effect is actually created by making a bunch of invisible circles radiating out from the center, so this would be easy to do.

Currently the health you lose in an explosion is caclulated based on your distance from it and the force, should I keep it this way but make it so you have to be hit by one of the invisible circles to take damage?

RE: A suggestion for bomb mechanics. - ILiekMudkipz - 01-01-2011

(12-31-2010, 09:14 PM)Jacob_ Wrote: The explosion effect is actually created by making a bunch of invisible circles radiating out from the center, so this would be easy to do.

Currently the health you lose in an explosion is caclulated based on your distance from it and the force, should I keep it this way but make it so you have to be hit by one of the invisible circles to take damage?

yea, that would work. you actually explained it better than i did.

although, im not sure that would help, i wouldnt edit it just yet.