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Scripting suggestions - Printable Version

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Scripting suggestions - Aroblix - 01-02-2011

Some suggestions, some inspired from ROBLOX :

There should be a global variable called "world" that points to game.World. It's shorter and useful.

There should be a second argument to the create function, like with Instance.new(classname, parent). And the second argument is... the parent! create("Box", game.World).

All the services's names should be locked and should not be ables to be removed. There is no point in being able to remove a service or in being able to rename it, anyways, except if you like making errors.

Also, a findFirstChild() function is needed. How can you know if an object exists without it? I didn't find any way to.. :/

Another thing, why isn't there a remove() and Remove() function? We need one! It's way better than typing .Parent = nil.