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Buildism mobile? - Printable Version

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Buildism mobile? - Fat_Sacks - 02-26-2011

Yeah, on my IPod just browsin' the forums. I would love to have the site be a mobile version or even the whole game mobile.

RE: Buildism mobile? - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 02-26-2011

Steve Jobs doesn't like Java, so I couldn't make an iPod version.

I could make a mobile version of the site, though that would probably be far in the future. Right now I want to focus on improving the game.

RE: Buildism mobile? - Qwertygiy - 02-26-2011

(02-26-2011, 05:06 PM)Jacob_ Wrote: Steve Jobs doesn't like Java, so I couldn't make an iPod version.

I dunno if it's that he doesn't like Java, or that Apple needs to make everything for the i-stuff and they can't or don't want to use Java with it.

But I agree. Multiplayer first; money and related site stuff soon; and everything else later.