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The Elements by Theodore Gray - Printable Version

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The Elements by Theodore Gray - BuildistGuard - 03-04-2011

The elements is a book that tells about elements like Hydrogen, Helium, Chlorine, Uranium, Lead, etc. Well you want to find out all the Elements in the Elements? Then get this book! It will get you interested and it only cost about $20(Depends what store you go to). Learn about the Elements and it will get your attention in this long 240 pages and has a poster of all the elements. I recommend this book to you and YOU will most likely get intrested in it. One element is called "Californium" and the element is named after California! Even some elements like "Einsteinium" is named after Albert Einstein. Even learn about what Elements you are made off! Well this book will definitly interest you.

RE: The Elements by Theodore Gray - Fat_Sacks - 03-06-2011

Wrong topic.
This goes into off topic.

RE: The Elements by Theodore Gray - BuildistGuard - 03-06-2011

It is in the right forum and it is in Off-topic.

RE: The Elements by Theodore Gray - Tyler - 03-07-2011

Take a joke dude.