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Minor bug on Avatars + Signatures. - Printable Version

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Minor bug on Avatars + Signatures. - VenomSinister - 12-04-2012

If you upload a moving avatar or signature, It doesn't always work in the forums.
When I stay looking at my own avatar or signature (Moving) or Ghosty's Avatar (For example) and I scroll down and scroll back up, it glitches. What I mean with the glitching is that the movement stops. I have no idea on how to fix this or if Jacob knows how to fix this little minor bug.

No, It doesn't do any harm at all but I just want to announce this minor bug for you guys. (Please tell me if you also do have this bug)

Thank-you for reading.

RE: Minor bug on Avatars + Signatures. - Ghosty - 12-04-2012

This sounds like a browser-related "it's not a bug, it's a feature!" to me. I'm using Firefox and when I scroll, the images keep animating. I'll check Chrome real quick.

EDIT: Chrome can do it just fine too. And I am NOT going to stoop as low as to check Internet Explorer, hehehe. So I'm not sure what's your problem, unless you're using Opera or Safari or (oh the humanity) IE.

RE: Minor bug on Avatars + Signatures. - VenomSinister - 12-04-2012

Well I'm using chrome. :/
Looks like I have the bug, but It doesn't harm me in any way. xD
If it is working perfectly fine for you, then I don't know what might be wrong. I'll check out if It works on my Firefox.
Firefox: It works! No avatar or signature glitching.
So there must be something wrong with my chrome. I'll check my settings.
Oh, and didn't mention this earlier. When I click or scroll up and down really fast and look at the avatars or signatures, it only glitches "SOMETIMES" but never glitches on Firefox. When I scroll again they start moving just like normal speed. :/ I still can't figure out anything. I did check my settings on chrome but can't find anything wrong there.
Whatever, I don't really care about it that much.

RE: Minor bug on Avatars + Signatures. - Void - 12-04-2012

That sounds like there could be a multitude of causes. Try reinstalling Chrome.