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Alpha Doesn't Mean The Game Isn't Playable - Printable Version

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Alpha Doesn't Mean The Game Isn't Playable - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 03-22-2011

Buildism is a player supported game, because most of the content is user created. Don't just wait for it to improve, take a few minutes to create something and make Buildism better for everyone! Scripting is really not as hard as it sounds, and even if you can't script it's easy to build something and let people explore it.

RE: Alpha Doesn't Mean The Game Isn't Playable - Fat_Sacks - 03-22-2011

Is this just something written to make people build more games?

RE: Alpha Doesn't Mean The Game Isn't Playable - Xray - 03-23-2011

I agree As most people have said they dont play too many games and make Web Skins which shouldnt happend

Everyone should get involved :3

RE: Alpha Doesn't Mean The Game Isn't Playable - Qwertygiy - 03-24-2011

Yeah. And I will make something really nice as soon as I get a good computer running... First, I'll add some to my obby -- make it nice and essentially 'finish' it. Then... a whole new game to replace my Gravity Test thing. I'm not promising anything, but I'm hoping to make a semi-noncharacter adventure game, using lots of different skins, make some levels... yeah. It'll be nice... If I can get it to be possible Sad

RE: Alpha Doesn't Mean The Game Isn't Playable - Tyler - 03-27-2011


Not the place for it.