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Rebecca black: The New Justin Bieber, she sucks! - Printable Version

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Rebecca black: The New Justin Bieber, she sucks! - BuildistGuard - 03-26-2011

Wow, her song is really bad and what the? She is on the top 25 itunes selling songs? Oh my god, the song is so bad, let's send her to North Korea! And she is driving a car when she is 13? That's impossible and Rebecca black sucks and who agrees with me?! Spread this word that we are going to send her to North Korea. Email this and put this post on youtube and I'm sick of her and we should send her to North Korea! Who agrees?

RE: Rebecca black: The New Justin Bieber, she sucks! - Fat_Sacks - 03-26-2011


RE: Rebecca black: The New Justin Bieber, she sucks! - Tyler - 03-27-2011

How about South Korea!Or maybe Russia!Or China!Or Germany!

And what cereal did she eat?Did she eat Raisin Bran?

And why wasn't she wearing a seat belt in that car?
So many idiotic questions.

RE: Rebecca black: The New Justin Bieber, she sucks! - BuildistGuard - 03-28-2011

1. North Korea is best Korea and Kim Jong Il will lock her up and make her perform for him forever, make the glourious leader happy!

2. I do not know what cereal she ate.

3. Because, it was a fake car or she was hardly paying attention.

RE: Rebecca black: The New Justin Bieber, she sucks! - Tyler - 03-28-2011

I have a theory!

We dig up Black beards dead body,we get his pirate ship,we stick Rebecca Black on it.We swim to shore,and then we shoot her.And then we burn her to make sure she's dead!

RE: Rebecca black: The New Justin Bieber, she sucks! - Fat_Sacks - 03-28-2011

Or how about we talk about something useful.

RE: Rebecca black: The New Justin Bieber, she sucks! - Tyler - 03-28-2011



I like my idea better.

RE: Rebecca black: The New Justin Bieber, she sucks! - DSiDewd - 04-02-2011
