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How do i load games? - Printable Version

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How do i load games? - Cyber08 - 04-06-2011

When i click play game its just gives me a downloading screen saying unkown file type and gives me a option to save it, search for a program to run it...or cancel it..:?:

RE: How do i load games? - Ice - 04-06-2011

Open it, run it.

RE: How do i load games? - Login - 04-06-2011

Yeah, and then you'll have to push play again. ^-^

RE: How do i load games? - Cyber08 - 04-06-2011

(04-06-2011, 08:53 PM)Ice Wrote: Open it, run it.


RE: How do i load games? - Login - 04-06-2011

Save it, then, open it from where you saved it.

RE: How do i load games? - Cyber08 - 04-06-2011

(04-06-2011, 08:55 PM)Login Wrote: Save it, then, open it from where you saved it.

When i save it then open it, it cant open it, it cant find a program to run it.

RE: How do i load games? - Login - 04-06-2011

Oh, download Java, let me get you the installation link. =)

RE: How do i load games? - Cyber08 - 04-06-2011

(04-06-2011, 08:59 PM)Login Wrote: Oh, download Java, let me get you the installation link. =)

i do have java installed, like any other computer.

RE: How do i load games? - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 04-06-2011

Sometimes Java doesn't set up the filetypes properly, try reinstalling it.

RE: How do i load games? - Cyber08 - 04-06-2011

(04-06-2011, 09:12 PM)Jacob_ Wrote: Sometimes Java doesn't set up the filetypes properly, try reinstalling it.

reinstalling JAVA?