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Non-Interactive Games? - Printable Version

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Non-Interactive Games? - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 04-05-2011

Has anyone tried making slideshows or cutscenes in Buildism? You could do some cool things that way.

Here is a script that removes the character and centers the camera on the part of your choice:

function playerAdded(object)
if object:isA("Character") then
game.Camera.FollowObject = game.World.Center
game.Camera.ScaleFactor = 7

link(game.World.ChildAdded, playerAdded)

RE: Non-Interactive Games? - Account - 04-05-2011

Cool thanks

RE: Non-Interactive Games? - Brassrhino - 04-05-2011


RE: Non-Interactive Games? - Login - 04-05-2011

Thanks soo much, I was about to ask for something like this - I'll be making an awesome game now. I need a texture...how do I get a texture?

RE: Non-Interactive Games? - Ice - 04-05-2011

Oh cool, I got a couple ideas with this.

RE: Non-Interactive Games? - Gus - 04-05-2011


RE: Non-Interactive Games? - Scripter - 04-05-2011

Is their a way to bring your character back, so you could do cutscenes? Smile