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If you registered today and don't have any empty games: - Printable Version

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If you registered today and don't have any empty games: - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 04-05-2011

Go here: http://buildism.net/register_finish.php

Something was broken for a few hours today, so your registration didn't complete as it should.

RE: If you registered today and don't have any empty games: - And - 04-05-2011

Thank you. I was wondering why I couldn't build any games.

RE: If you registered today and don't have any empty games: - Gus - 04-05-2011


RE: If you registered today and don't have any empty games: - Rare - 04-05-2011

Yeah when I was searching for new people to welcome them they did have any places! I thought it was just one time so I didnt report... But I should of

RE: If you registered today and don't have any empty games: - YlimeOniram - 04-05-2011

THIS GAME IS AN EXACT COPY OF ROBLOX! (On which I have the same username) >Big Grin

RE: If you registered today and don't have any empty games: - Login - 04-05-2011

Don't ban him, let me talk to him, OK?
Sent him a PM, hopefully it will clear things up. =)

RE: If you registered today and don't have any empty games: - Vince - 04-05-2011


RE: If you registered today and don't have any empty games: - Dignity - 04-05-2011

lol I thanks him. XD

RE: If you registered today and don't have any empty games: - YlimeOniram - 04-06-2011

I'm a GIRL

RE: If you registered today and don't have any empty games: - YlimeOniram - 04-06-2011

I'm a GIRL
But thanks for the thanks