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Why don't you like ROBLOX - Printable Version

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Why don't you like ROBLOX - derp - 12-31-2012

The fourmers are the only ones here from ROBLOX, and they're all mature

RE: Why don't you like ROBLOX - ijfeswijfae - 12-31-2012

I would disagree with that, but no one here really hates roblox.

RE: Why don't you like ROBLOX - Invader - 12-31-2012

Because some are fucking retarded children.
Some are mature and have grammar.

RE: Why don't you like ROBLOX - Anonymous - 12-31-2012

I'm going to have to disagree with that statement about the maturity

RE: Why don't you like ROBLOX - Corgi - 12-31-2012

(12-31-2012, 05:30 AM)Anonymous Wrote: I'm going to have to disagree with that statement about the maturity

theres always that 1 percent.

RE: Why don't you like ROBLOX - Ghosty - 12-31-2012

The thing is, when you have 99 idiots and 1 genius in a room, which guy keeps his mouth shut while the rest shout?


Of course not all of Roblox is made of crazy, immature 10 year olds. I came from Roblox myself. One of my best friends enjoys building cities there. My next door neighbor used to be addicted to it. (Wait, she's a Twilight fan... so, maybe 'crazy' does describe her.)

But a large, loud portion of it is.

RE: Why don't you like ROBLOX - Zuka - 12-31-2012

You really think I'm mature?
Awe. Rolleyes

RE: Why don't you like ROBLOX - Luka_Megurine - 12-31-2012

I am pretty reserved until I see a moron.

Then I pretty much bait them in a 3 page argument that leads to nothing, because I act like a fool for the duration of the thing.

RE: Why don't you like ROBLOX - Corgi - 12-31-2012

(12-31-2012, 01:45 PM)Ghosty Wrote: The thing is, when you have 99 idiots and 1 genius in a room, which guy keeps his mouth shut while the rest shout?

making a good point with the statement, but its not always the case.
to be honest i dont think that fits to the situation.

RE: Why don't you like ROBLOX - Void - 01-01-2013

(12-31-2012, 07:07 PM)Luka_Megurine Wrote: I am pretty reserved until I see a moron.

Then I pretty much bait them in a 3 page argument that leads to nothing, because I act like a fool for the duration of the thing.

Watch out. If the aforementioned "moron" happens to be a troll, you're effectively completing his or her mission.