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How much money do you spend on video games yearly on average? - Printable Version

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How much money do you spend on video games yearly on average? - Oak - 01-30-2013

I don't spend much, only about 30-45$.

RE: How much money do you spend on video games yearly on average? - Hippo - 01-30-2013

Probably around £100

RE: How much money do you spend on video games yearly on average? - Caesar - 01-30-2013

I don't really have an average. I'll just leave it at "a lot"...

RE: How much money do you spend on video games yearly on average? - Oak - 01-30-2013

Hippo, I'm not British but I do go to my grandparents in London yearly and that is actually not bad. I have friends who can spend up to 300+ USD/350 Pounds yearly.

Caesar, is it over 300$?

RE: How much money do you spend on video games yearly on average? - Caesar - 01-30-2013

(01-30-2013, 05:23 PM)Oak Wrote: Hippo, I'm not British but I do go to my grandparents in London yearly and that is actually not bad. I have friends who can spend up to 300+ USD/350 Pounds yearly.

Caesar, is it over 300$?

The past year, yes. But that's only because I finally got a computer capable of playing games decently and wanted to get a decent collection. My purchase rate has been slowing rapidly though, so I am uncertain whether it will be this high next year or not.

RE: How much money do you spend on video games yearly on average? - Oak - 01-30-2013

Wow that's a handful of money! Also I am assuming you are Irish since in another thread you stated that you liked Celtic Punk.
I'm American by the way. Most of my friends only like playing console games, but I don't. The Wii is decent and I love PC games, other than that I don't like video games.

RE: How much money do you spend on video games yearly on average? - Caesar - 01-30-2013

Nah, I'm an American. Just got a taste for Celtic Punk after hearing a song on a YouTube video. I do use a lot of British/Irish dialect however, so I may come across as it.

Anyways, most of my mates play on consoles as well, sadly. Wish they'd realize that you can do pretty much everything you can do on a console on the PC, but oh well.

RE: How much money do you spend on video games yearly on average? - Oak - 01-30-2013

Most of my friends call PC gamers "nerds", it's quite stupid if you ask me.

RE: How much money do you spend on video games yearly on average? - VenomSinister - 01-30-2013

1 year? :O
Like 800 euro

RE: How much money do you spend on video games yearly on average? - Oak - 01-30-2013

800 EURO'S?
800 Euro's is = to OVER 1000 USD