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What game do you hate the most? - Printable Version

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What game do you hate the most? - BuildistGuard - 04-09-2011

I honestly think Club penguin, Big rigs, and Webkinz because they are not even a game and on Club penguin, you do nothing but waddle and that's pretty much it. Big rigs is just driving and that's it! Webkinz is a girly game and has no point. You can only vote for one option.

RE: What game do you hate the most? - Bramwell - 04-09-2011

Those aren't really valid reasons for hating a game..

RE: What game do you hate the most? - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 04-09-2011

Big Rigs. http://www.gamespot.com/pc/driving/bigrigsotrr/video/6086530/big-rigs-over-the-road-racing-video-review

RE: What game do you hate the most? - Ashely - 04-09-2011


RE: What game do you hate the most? - Ice - 04-10-2011

Neopets, it was so stupid. (in my opinion)

RE: What game do you hate the most? - Fat_Sacks - 04-10-2011

CoD. Game is never original and the multiplayer comunity is horrible, filled with hackers, idiots and whater you can think of.

RE: What game do you hate the most? - Scripter - 04-10-2011

WoW. I really don't like that game, don't think it's worth that much money per month, and never did like their constant flaming towards runescape (back when I played runescape).

Evony is what I should of chosen though. I hate their advertisements. =/

RE: What game do you hate the most? - BuildistGuard - 04-10-2011

Old roblox was awesome, new one just sucks, because of the community.
I hate club penguin, both old and new club penguin, it is the worst piece of garbage on the internet, you do nothing but waddle and play boring games like garbage.
Webkinz just is for girls and you need to buy a plush in order to keep your account.
Runescape is awesome, because you have some quests and you don't have to pay a monthly fee, but the graphics is garbage.
World of Warcraft sucks, even through it has some good graphics.
Neopets, was fun when I tryed it, but it quickly became a piece of garbage.
Big rigs is boring, because you just drive like garbage.
Call of duty is awesome, but the hackers and community is full of little uneducated kids.
Evony is good at making kingdoms, but they scam.

RE: What game do you hate the most? - guest000o - 04-11-2011

Club penguin...
"Lol i b in teh minecart hoppin n doin twicks!"

RE: What game do you hate the most? - lol - 04-12-2011

Well it's not like we're forced to play those games. Why hate?