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HELP! - Printable Version

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HELP! - Who - 04-09-2011

i know MP isnt open but i decided to give a shot to one of the games, fist i downloaded java and the game didnt worked, ii reseted hoping that was an error, second try i could enter but with lots of lag and 1 minute later a error mesage pop out saying that java needed to close.

Any sugestions?
I just realized this should go in the help section, sorry

RE: HELP! - Ashely - 04-09-2011

What is MP?

RE: HELP! - Fire - 04-09-2011

multi player

RE: HELP! - Ashely - 04-09-2011

Do you have the latest version of Java?

RE: HELP! - Who - 04-09-2011

i do! i can play the game but after a while it broke

maybe its just a glitch since it only happened me 1 of the 2 times i entered a game

RE: HELP! - Ashely - 04-09-2011

Oh that has happen to me also, I think it was because I clicked "Play" to many times.

RE: HELP! - Who - 04-09-2011

maybe...maybe not who knows?

well atleast i have the forum Big Grin