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My Skin is Perfection! - Printable Version

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My Skin is Perfection! - Ming-Yan - 04-10-2011

Yes, it is a void star...

RE: My Skin is Perfection! - Micky - 04-10-2011

Oh hi MingYan, i know you from Roblox!

RE: My Skin is Perfection! - Ice - 04-10-2011

Not perfect, but pretty good.

RE: My Skin is Perfection! - Ming-Yan - 04-10-2011

(04-10-2011, 03:24 AM)Ice Wrote: Not perfect, but pretty good.

If you see my avatar on ROBLOX, it is as good at it get. (there is no MingYan Nation on here)
Note: I will use grammar on this site.

EDIT: Just noticed my colours were inverted :O

RE: My Skin is Perfection! - Micky - 04-10-2011

It will be good to have you in this forums MingYan, i met you once, in a swordfighting game, but you might not remember me, anyways, enjoy Buildism!