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Gah, stupid lightning - Printable Version

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Gah, stupid lightning - Scripter - 04-10-2011

There is a storm outside, and each time it flashes light, I keep hoping the power doesn't get knocked out. I don't want to stop foruming D:
On a side note: If I could get a nice lightning png file, I could make realistic lightning, a property/object we NEED to have. Big Grin

RE: Gah, stupid lightning - Micky - 04-10-2011

Every little thing gives you an idea for a game? Wow, you are exactly like me!

RE: Gah, stupid lightning - Ice - 04-10-2011

I love lightning...i don't like the whole getting struck by it, but I like the looks of it.

RE: Gah, stupid lightning - Scripter - 04-10-2011

(04-10-2011, 05:03 AM)Ice Wrote: I love lightning...i don't like the whole getting struck by it, but I like the looks of it.

I love lightning when it's not threatening to interfer with my work/things to do on a computer.

I'm actually suprised, that was just a random thing I thought of out of thin air. Doesn't usually happen o.o

RE: Gah, stupid lightning - Ashely - 04-10-2011

Its raining here =/

RE: Gah, stupid lightning - Micky - 04-10-2011

It happens to me all the time Scripter!

RE: Gah, stupid lightning - Ice - 04-10-2011

It's dark here, so I can't see outside.

RE: Gah, stupid lightning - Ashely - 04-10-2011

I have no problem with rain, or thunder. It's just the snow >_<. When it snows my car TAKES FOREVER to heat up.

RE: Gah, stupid lightning - toast - 04-10-2011

Nu you have to make lightning out of yellow Boxes so it's randomer and more realistic

RE: Gah, stupid lightning - Scripter - 04-10-2011

(04-10-2011, 05:14 AM)toast Wrote: Nu you have to make lightning out of yellow Boxes so it's randomer and more realistic


But, if you're going to have a lot of lightning strikes...THAT WILL BE A LOT OF MATH THAT I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO.