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I Think I Will Make a Female Skin - Printable Version

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I Think I Will Make a Female Skin - Ming-Yan - 04-10-2011

Super Otaku to the rescue! Wait, who said that?
Lol, anyway I think I'll make one just for the fun of it.

Wish me luck.

RE: I Think I Will Make a Female Skin - Scripter - 04-10-2011

Good luck. I am sure Cream, Play_Robot, and (unlikely) Fire will be glad.

RE: I Think I Will Make a Female Skin - Ashely - 04-10-2011

Wishes luck, and Thank you we need some more of those!

RE: I Think I Will Make a Female Skin - Micky - 04-10-2011

Shame im not good with those D:

RE: I Think I Will Make a Female Skin - Ming-Yan - 04-10-2011

Erm, should I keep the buildism shape? [keep it blocky]
Or literally create a female?

RE: I Think I Will Make a Female Skin - Ashely - 04-10-2011

Surprise us.

RE: I Think I Will Make a Female Skin - Scripter - 04-10-2011

Well, we don't need to get that realistic, keep it as a buildism shape.

RE: I Think I Will Make a Female Skin - Ashely - 04-10-2011

Don't add to much detail to the body, but you can make it in a buildism shape or what ever is best for you.

RE: I Think I Will Make a Female Skin - Ming-Yan - 04-11-2011

I made it female shaped, it's super hard, face doesn't look quite right...

RE: I Think I Will Make a Female Skin - Ice - 04-11-2011

Good idea! I would also make one but I probably suck at making female clothes.