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We need GUI's. - Printable Version

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We need GUI's. - broloxer - 04-11-2011

Global User Interface's would be nice.

RE: We need GUI's. - Thedsta - 04-11-2011


-Thedsta ROBLOX

RE: We need GUI's. - broloxer - 04-11-2011

It would make rules easier.

RE: We need GUI's. - Slendurrman - 04-11-2011

it would be difficult for Jacob_ to make, plus hes working his butt off in multiplayer.

RE: We need GUI's. - Ice - 04-11-2011

We don't NEED GUI's, but I guess for builders it would help them out.

RE: We need GUI's. - AK-47 - 04-11-2011

Well, maybe we can fix a brick to a player's camera, and it would be a "localbrick"

RE: We need GUI's. - Rare - 04-12-2011

We really do need some GUI's Toast made a simalar sort of thing on his Donky Kong one.