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My conversation with Cleverbot. - Printable Version

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My conversation with Cleverbot. - Tyler - 04-12-2011

Cleverbot: Good day.

Cleverbot (To myself): Good morning.

Cleverbot: I like to shop for clothes. Do you?

User: No.

Cleverbot: I like Call of Duty, despite the fact it is rated M for mature, so only people who are 17 and older can buy it.

User: I like it...

Cleverbot: You spelled too wrong.

User: I didn't use the word ''too'' in my sentence.

Cleverbot: I didn't say you did.

User: But you siad I spelled it wrong.

Cleverbot: I think I just broke you.

User: I think I just broke you.

Cleverbot: You didn't. You're still grounded.

User: Yes I did.

Cleverbot: You did it by yourself.

User: No.

Cleverbot: Go and see it.

User: Negative.

Cleverbot: But you are, read your own description.

User: Nope.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Nu.

Cleverbot: Hai.

User: No.

Cleverbot: Sa va ?

User: Never.

Cleverbot: Never what?

User: No.

Cleverbot: What?

User: Negative.

Cleverbot: Noony.

User: No.

Cleverbot: NO!

User: Nope.

Cleverbot: Wasn't a yes or no question.

User: Nah.

Cleverbot: Yah huh.

User: Not.

Cleverbot: Do you like dinsney movies?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Do you like pets?

User: Nope, I like trains.

Cleverbot: Do you catch many?

User: No, I hate them.

Cleverbot: Why do you hate horses?

User: Because.

Cleverbot: Because what?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Nope.

Cleverbot: Are you a robot?

User: No, I'm a tornado.

Cleverbot: No, a monsoon.

User: I'm a tornado monsoon.

Cleverbot: Me too.

User: Yay.

Cleverbot: We've already figured out that' we're both just people. (My typing is startin to become epic fail).

User: I'm a tornado, you're a robot.

Cleverbot: Yes, Cleverbot. I'm a robot. ...

Cleverbot: Are you sane?

User: No!

Cleverbot: Who are you then ? O-O.

User: I'm Makarov.

Cleverbot: Would you like to know what color webster's canned food diet is??

User: No.

Cleverbot: Okay, what do you look like?

User: I already told you, I'm a terrorist tornado monsoon.

Cleverbot: What is love?

User: Death.

Cleverbot: Your name is death?

User: Yes, I am death Makarov tornado monsoon.

Cleverbot: Oh too bad did you know they were used for medecine.

RE: My conversation with Cleverbot. - lol - 04-12-2011

omg..... >_>

RE: My conversation with Cleverbot. - Scripter - 04-12-2011

Ah, cleverbot. I think I'll go start a conversation right now ^_^

RE: My conversation with Cleverbot. - Land - 04-12-2011

Any of you ever tried to break Cleverbot? Big Grin

RE: My conversation with Cleverbot. - Twinmold - 04-13-2011

Breaking cleverbot is fun. Although it gets boring after you do so.

RE: My conversation with Cleverbot. - Ashely - 04-13-2011

What is this CleverBot thing?

It seems funny

RE: My conversation with Cleverbot. - Duck - 04-13-2011

You know it's fake, rite?

RE: My conversation with Cleverbot. - Land - 04-13-2011


If you don't know what it is yet.

RE: My conversation with Cleverbot. - Ashely - 04-13-2011

Oh cool, Ive tried to talk with it but It keeps going off-topic.

RE: My conversation with Cleverbot. - Tyler - 04-13-2011

This is me trying to convince him that I'm a cell phone:

User: You're lucky you're a robot.

Cleverbot: You're the robot.

User: No, I am a cell phone.

Cleverbot: Do you feel love?

User: I have the ''love'' app on my system.

Cleverbot: Are you god?

User: Yus.

Cleverbot: What makes you so special?

User: That I am god's Cell Phone.

Cleverbot: I don't know...

User: II.

Cleverbot: Hhh.

User: I've always wanted to be an IPod Touch, now I'm just an IPhone.

Cleverbot: You aren't a fox.