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Still sorry for what I did. - Printable Version

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Still sorry for what I did. - Haze - 04-14-2011

Ive read some forums and they're all saying I was being a jerk. Well, I guess I was. My meds give me bursts of anger for a short time. When I was at Sylvan I got mad for no reason. And I now swear. I will never get mad on Buildism again. Please forgive me from the bottom of your hearts.

RE: Still sorry for what I did. - Ashely - 04-14-2011

You made a thread already, we answered.

Stop making new ones.

RE: Still sorry for what I did. - Haze - 04-14-2011

I know, Im not %1 mad anymore.

RE: Still sorry for what I did. - Ashely - 04-14-2011

Just because your not mad doesn't mean we all go on with our jolly lives on here.

Infact; We're annoyed by you, you make stupid threads and then burst out into rage expecting us to come baby you.

We have no more pitty feelings for you.

RE: Still sorry for what I did. - Ming-Yan - 04-14-2011

(04-14-2011, 01:57 AM)Ashely_ Wrote: Just because your not mad doesn't mean we all go on with our jolly lives on here.

Infact; We're annoyed by you, you make stupid threads and then burst out into rage expecting us to come baby you.

We have no more pitty feelings for you.

I actually don't care...So, I forgive you.

RE: Still sorry for what I did. - Fumetsu - 04-14-2011

(04-14-2011, 01:49 AM)Haze Wrote: Ive read some forums and they're all saying I was being a jerk. Well, I guess I was. My meds give me bursts of anger for a short time. When I was at Sylvan I got mad for no reason. And I now swear. I will never get mad on Buildism again. Please forgive me from the bottom of your hearts.

I don't care, so i forgive you.

RE: Still sorry for what I did. - Ice - 04-14-2011

Isn't this like your 2nd/3rd thread you made about this?

RE: Still sorry for what I did. - Tyler - 04-14-2011

Get off your brother's account. Was that last thread NOT enough for you?

RE: Still sorry for what I did. - Haze - 04-14-2011

Well, I just got off for four hours. So I just wanted to make sure.. Go ahead and close it Sad