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How do you ad bricks in a game? - Printable Version

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How do you ad bricks in a game? - Fish - 04-14-2011

Blocks,bricks or thingys. How do you ad them in? :o Also one day can we upload meshes? :3 Epic.. Hehe.. TY for reading! Big Grin

RE: How do you ad bricks in a game? - Ashely - 04-14-2011

Look here for in game building answers.


Meshes, Maybe one day =3

RE: How do you ad bricks in a game? - Ice - 04-19-2011

You can check in the Wiki.
I don't see meshes coming soon.

RE: How do you ad bricks in a game? - AK-47 - 04-19-2011

We use textures, not meshes.

RE: How do you ad bricks in a game? - McNoobster - 04-26-2011

Meshes would not work meshes are made in a 3D engine and we run in 2D in order to make something you would just need a transparent brick and a decal like thing.