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Fame Game - Printable Version

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Fame Game - Fire - 04-14-2011

Simply rate the person that is above you on how famous they are on buildism


RE: Fame Game - lol - 04-15-2011

Ehh, 7, I think.

RE: Fame Game - Ice - 04-15-2011


RE: Fame Game - Duck - 04-15-2011

8 methinks

RE: Fame Game - Scripter - 04-15-2011

Six out of ten


RE: Fame Game - Dark - 04-16-2011


im not known that much...

RE: Fame Game - Fire - 04-19-2011

6/10 just because your my friend and ive seen you alot lately!

RE: Fame Game - lol - 04-19-2011


RE: Fame Game - Fire - 04-20-2011

8/10 Big Grin

RE: Fame Game - DJ_Waffles - 04-21-2011

8/10 Since I know you some and I've seen you around.