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How to you change your signature? - Printable Version

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How to you change your signature? - Fish - 04-15-2011

Also how do you get a picture on your signature? Big Grin TY!

RE: How to you change your signature? - Anti - 04-15-2011

You need to upload the picture to a image hosting site...
Then use [img]UrlOfPicture[/img] in it Smile

And you change your signature from User CP
You get there by pressing "User CP" button on top of forum screen

Oh yeah, i answered to your thread on Scripting Smile

RE: How to you change your signature? - AK-47 - 04-15-2011

To change your signature, go here:


Also, you need to upload a picture to have an image sig. You need an Image hosting site like Photobucket (Sucks), or Tinypic (Not so suckish). Then all you need to do is copy the URL of the image (right click the image --> Copy image URL...) then paste it between...

DAANG Firsted.

RE: How to you change your signature? - Fish - 04-15-2011

If I upload it as a ad on ROBLOX then get Properties and get the URL adress will it work? This is mine http://t2ak.roblox.com/375479bd3372ba8eecff24e2d4fce4cc

Would it work? :/

RE: How to you change your signature? - Anti - 04-15-2011

Yes, it would work Smile

RE: How to you change your signature? - Fish - 04-15-2011

TY everyone! Big Grin

RE: How to you change your signature? - AK-47 - 04-15-2011

Wow... never thought of that XD it would work.

RE: How to you change your signature? - Sazaho - 04-15-2011

Yeah- same