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Will we ever evolve into 3D? - Printable Version

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Pages: 1 2

Will we ever evolve into 3D? - OoteltonoO - 04-17-2011

But I would also like to keep our graphics the same, Like it was made in Microsoft paint.

RE: Will we ever evolve into 3D? - Anti - 04-17-2011

I HOPE we wont go 3D...
I love Buildism as it is now Smile

RE: Will we ever evolve into 3D? - Sazaho - 04-17-2011

3D- Good

3D in buildism- niche so gut

RE: Will we ever evolve into 3D? - Jake - 04-17-2011

All I want are left and right head sprites for the game.

RE: Will we ever evolve into 3D? - Ice - 04-17-2011

Most likely not.

RE: Will we ever evolve into 3D? - Fire - 04-17-2011

I think if it was 3D more people would play the games.. because right now ive only played a game once. but I still love buildism the way it is.

RE: Will we ever evolve into 3D? - Dignity - 04-17-2011

If we go 3D the old memers will be :furious:, yes?

RE: Will we ever evolve into 3D? - AK-47 - 04-17-2011

This is training machine for willing flash program makers.

RE: Will we ever evolve into 3D? - Dark - 04-17-2011

I would be happy if it DID go 3D, but not expecting it, considering the early beta thing.

RE: Will we ever evolve into 3D? - AK-47 - 04-17-2011

Why would you like 3D, theres already Roblox.
Why would you like 3D, there's already Roblox.