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Deleting Skins - Printable Version

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Deleting Skins - Sazaho - 04-19-2011

How do you delete them?

RE: Deleting Skins - AK-47 - 04-19-2011

You don't.

RE: Deleting Skins - lol - 04-19-2011

You mean other peoples' skins or your own? You can only delete your own.

RE: Deleting Skins - Micky - 04-19-2011

You can delete only your own, click it, and you will see the "delete" buttom!

RE: Deleting Skins - Hippo - 04-19-2011

Seeing as you're the mod, shouldn't we be asking you this?

RE: Deleting Skins - Micky - 04-19-2011

hes just a Mod, he doesnt know everything...

RE: Deleting Skins - Hippo - 04-19-2011

CheeseSticks sees what you mean.

RE: Deleting Skins - Micky - 04-19-2011

Now everyone will start talking in 3rd Person like Micky?!!! D:<

RE: Deleting Skins - Noli - 04-19-2011

Micky AND Noli...Why people forget Noli so much? He the only big blue scary person here...

RE: Deleting Skins - Micky - 04-19-2011

But i started talking in 3rd person first than anybody!! Now everyone is talkng like that, and it looks like Micky is using an Overused style of talking!!