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If I change the Lava script - Printable Version

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If I change the Lava script - Sazaho - 04-19-2011

Like this:

lava = script.Parent
function Kill(hit)
if hit.Name == "Body" then
hit.Parent.Health = -20

link(lava.Collided, Kill

will it damage a humanoid by 20 when touched, or do I need to change it some more?

RE: If I change the Lava script - Qwertygiy - 04-19-2011

It should work... assuming you put the final ) back in.

RE: If I change the Lava script - Anti - 04-19-2011

It would work
But not in the way you want it to.

That would insta-kill, since it tries to change your health to negative 20 =D

RE: If I change the Lava script - Sazaho - 04-19-2011

Yeah- I put that back in Tongue
oh noes D: