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No offence AK-47... - Printable Version

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No offence AK-47... - Fish - 04-22-2011

But you look like Micheal Jackson! No betta than sunshine,no betta than moonlight no beetta than "somthing" livin' of a bogga! =3 I love Buildism that we have more freedom! Big Grin

RE: No offence AK-47... - Fire - 04-22-2011

Michael Jackson was awesome! When he was dark. He was a creep when he was white

RE: No offence AK-47... - sergentkyle - 04-22-2011

Fire...So you're saying he was awesome when his skin color was dark...?

I thought he was awesome always.

RE: No offence AK-47... - Fire - 04-22-2011

Well he didnt make songs when he was white lol.

RE: No offence AK-47... - sergentkyle - 04-22-2011

He didn't? Oh.

RE: No offence AK-47... - Hippo - 04-22-2011

He made bad songs when he was white.

RE: No offence AK-47... - sergentkyle - 04-22-2011

So, you're saying he made BAD Songs because he was WHITE?

RE: No offence AK-47... - Fish - 04-22-2011

I thought of when he became white he sorta made a mess with is nose and body. Yes. I really think so

RE: No offence AK-47... - AK-47 - 04-22-2011

Wait, what was this about again?

RE: No offence AK-47... - Fire - 04-22-2011

That you look like michael jackson i guess lol