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Buildism. A good way to get away from roblox - Printable Version

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Buildism. A good way to get away from roblox - gmodman2888 - 04-22-2011


RE: Buildism. A good way to get away from roblox - BuildistGuard - 04-23-2011

I totally agree, roblox back in the old days was good.

RE: Buildism. A good way to get away from roblox - Ice - 04-23-2011

Yep. Buildism is now the place to be.

RE: Buildism. A good way to get away from roblox - Qwertygiy - 04-23-2011

And ROBLOX has been giving me the most weird glitches lately.
Tool handles rotating whenever I move and turning into parallelograms in Studio highlights but keeping their shape in a different spot as if it were meshed...

Smoke mysteriously changing color each puff in the graphics, but the Properties staying the same...

It's ridiculous.

RE: Buildism. A good way to get away from roblox - awesome - 04-29-2011

I agree.

RE: Buildism. A good way to get away from roblox - TheFlame - 05-12-2011

I like ROBLOX but the 99% of the community is,spammers,trolls/flamers,and noobs. The other 1% are veterans who actually use there brain and are nice.

RE: Buildism. A good way to get away from roblox - Cookies - 05-15-2011

Roblox is fun, this is boring sometimes.