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My HTML skills - Printable Version

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My HTML skills - Ashely - 04-24-2011

<marquee bgcolor="#cccccc" loop="-1" scrollamount="2" width="100%">Work in progress</marquee>
<style type="text/css">
font-family:"Times New Roman";


<h1>Ashely CSS</h1>
<p>Just testing out the colors and how they would look.</p>
<h2>Just testing my skills<h2>
<p2> Kind of rusty =/<p2>
<form method=post action="/cgi-bin/example.cgi">
How good do you think my HTML skills are?:

<option>good =3</option>
<input type="Submit" value="Submit"></center>


Plan on adding more to it, Just thinking of colors.

RE: My HTML skills - AK-47 - 04-24-2011

I believe some of those are css.

Nice, anyways.

RE: My HTML skills - Ashely - 04-24-2011

Yeah, I added it for a background.

RE: My HTML skills - Chaos - 05-10-2011

Now, add that into PHP, and go code! ^_^

RE: My HTML skills - Login - 05-10-2011

I have a suggestion to add on to your post: There's this site called w3schools.com
It has a "Try it yourself" page, where it previews HTML coding. Great to use and saves time. Check This page out!

RE: My HTML skills - Chaos - 05-10-2011

w3schools is HORRIBLE to learn there.

I learned all my code from a book.

RE: My HTML skills - Dignity - 06-11-2011

w3schools taught me.