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Let's make a picture of all of the people in Buildism squished together.... - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Let's make a picture of all of the people in Buildism squished together.... (/showthread.php?tid=4477)

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Let's make a picture of all of the people in Buildism squished together.... - BuildistGuard - 05-07-2011

We should do that, that we show all the people in Buildism at once for our first population measure. This picture will include all the people in Buildism. What is that called when a picture of alot of people put together called?

RE: Let's make a picture of all of the people in Buildism squished together.... - DSiDewd - 05-07-2011

That would make a very high res image. .-.

RE: Let's make a picture of all of the people in Buildism squished together.... - Ice - 05-09-2011

That would be awesome!

RE: Let's make a picture of all of the people in Buildism squished together.... - lol - 05-10-2011

In what order?

RE: Let's make a picture of all of the people in Buildism squished together.... - Fat_Sacks - 05-11-2011

How about just for the active people..?

RE: Let's make a picture of all of the people in Buildism squished together.... - Micky - 05-11-2011

Sounds really good to Micky, The picture should be in black and White and with a rustic efect, to make it look old!

RE: Let's make a picture of all of the people in Buildism squished together.... - Who - 05-11-2011

Yeah a picure would be great, so when the community becomes similar to ROBLOX one (hope not) we could see that picture and say "Good old times..."

RE: Let's make a picture of all of the people in Buildism squished together.... - TheFlame - 05-12-2011

Wow that would be cool! I hope I would be in it.

RE: Let's make a picture of all of the people in Buildism squished together.... - Ice - 05-18-2011

Is anyone even working on it?

RE: Let's make a picture of all of the people in Buildism squished together.... - Kieron - 05-18-2011

List of active users, pl0x.