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This Obviously Translates Into - Printable Version

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This Obviously Translates Into - Ming-Yan - 05-11-2011

Get a life...

"we are good friends, its just Jacob, dude you need to stop commenting on my things. Everytime i have a status update or something, you comment on it, you comment one every, freaking activity. and you're a good person. i know that, but you need to go off of Facebook for a while, and socialize man! come one theres a whole world out there! Go and explore, and do something other than spend your time on the computer everyday. you're cool, and you're my friend, but go do something else, thats fun.. Smile"

RE: This Obviously Translates Into - Kieron - 05-11-2011


RE: This Obviously Translates Into - lol - 05-11-2011

Who said that? You? I lol'd.

RE: This Obviously Translates Into - AK-47 - 05-11-2011

Who said that?

RE: This Obviously Translates Into - TheFlame - 05-11-2011

I think you could of said that a bit more nice,don't you think?

RE: This Obviously Translates Into - Ming-Yan - 05-12-2011

This was a message to me. (my name is also Jacob)

RE: This Obviously Translates Into - TheFlame - 05-12-2011

Oh I thought you were talking about the creator Jacob_!

RE: This Obviously Translates Into - AK-47 - 05-12-2011


"...commenting on my things..."

Where? On buildism or in another site?

RE: This Obviously Translates Into - Ming-Yan - 05-12-2011
