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Lua is confusing - Printable Version

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Lua is confusing - Ark - 05-11-2011

I do not understand how to use it, it is very confusing

RE: Lua is confusing - Qwertygiy - 05-11-2011

Then why don't you look at some PHP or Java.

I think then you might change your mind.

As my signature used to say, Lua is similar to English (at least, more so than other languages.)

And it doesn't involve too much complicated symbols or logic.

For example, several of the most common lines you'll see in Lua look something like this:

while true do
if script.Parent.Name == "Box" then
print("This script is running in a box.")
print("Script not inside a box. Ending loop.")

In english...

Quote:while this script is running, repeat
every 5 seconds
if the script is inside a "Box"
print "This script is running in a box"
print "Script not inside a box. Ending loop."
break the loop
end of if statement
end of loop

RE: Lua is confusing - Ark - 05-12-2011

helped a bit but i still dont fully understand it

RE: Lua is confusing - Chaos - 05-12-2011

Php or Java? Those are way harder than Lua...I wouldn't try it...

RE: Lua is confusing - Puppier - 05-14-2011

You serious? Lua is like the easiest language.

RE: Lua is confusing - Dignity - 06-12-2011

Python is/or almost easier than Lua.

RE: Lua is confusing - Chaos - 06-12-2011

There you go, my 'ACRONYMS' are fixed.