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I Won't Be Learning How to Make Apps - Printable Version

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I Won't Be Learning How to Make Apps - Ming-Yan - 05-14-2011

I chose to have a summer job instead so I can get money to get a 3DS.

RE: I Won't Be Learning How to Make Apps - Login - 05-14-2011

I heard it sucks. I don't know why, but that's what I heard. I think it's because of the games itself. Buying it right now isn't the smartest idea - it's new. Not much games. Shall you wait, price goes down, and more games are out.

RE: I Won't Be Learning How to Make Apps - Ming-Yan - 05-15-2011

Then whoever you heard from is an idiot. I played it in person myself, twice.
Also I'm buying it around the end of August.

RE: I Won't Be Learning How to Make Apps - noob007 - 05-15-2011

Why can't you do both?

RE: I Won't Be Learning How to Make Apps - Ming-Yan - 05-15-2011

Because it goes from 6/20 - 8/12
program was 8/1 - 8/5

RE: I Won't Be Learning How to Make Apps - noob007 - 05-15-2011

Can't you like, do your programming lessons after work?

RE: I Won't Be Learning How to Make Apps - Ming-Yan - 05-15-2011

They were all day. Work is about 4 hours though.

RE: I Won't Be Learning How to Make Apps - toast - 05-15-2011

do you know any programming already?

RE: I Won't Be Learning How to Make Apps - TheFlame - 05-15-2011

I won't be buying a 3DS much less EVER buying one. I mean 3D is cool but as long as I can play Pokemon Black on my DS lite I'm happy. Also I heard if you play a 3DS for more then 2 hours you will go blind.

RE: I Won't Be Learning How to Make Apps - Ming-Yan - 05-15-2011


Again, idiots, I played it for myself. It doesn't hurt your eyes in fact when you are done with it you will no longer look at your TV the same way again...Plus I'm getting it in August, by that time there will be the eShop (With GBA Games), Internet, AND MOAR games.

Plus I will be getting paid 400-600$ so I have enough to get an extra battery or the battery charger dock (3rd party dock that charges w/o cord)