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Are Paint.net Adventure comics still not allowed from being posted publicly? - Printable Version

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Are Paint.net Adventure comics still not allowed from being posted publicly? - ijfeswijfae - 01-12-2013

Freedom Typers has took a horrible turn for the worst, and I'm afraid that Jacob_'s sudden change of attitude is to blame. There's no reason to think like you have to protect "children" on this site, as if you're self-conscious on what lurkers from Kogama think of you.

What I'm asking for here is to have less of a burden, like the previous site.

Also, when the new mods are announced, it should be required that each of them moderate each other to prevent Ashley 2.0 from happening. Uncalled-for numerous deletions of another person's expression should be considered harassment and abuse. The Ashley incident would've been easily avoided if mods had to have a justifiable reason to use their powers, and the attitude of the mods should be favorable towards the community and not the crony hivemind that made Ashley's abuse the norm.

RE: Are Paint.net Adventure comics still not allowed from being posted publicly? - Corgi - 01-12-2013

(01-12-2013, 03:43 AM)Myem Wrote: Also, when the new mods are announced, it should be required that each of them moderate each other to prevent Ashley 2.0 from happening.

moderation logs so each mod can see what the others do maybe?

RE: Are Paint.net Adventure comics still not allowed from being posted publicly? - ijfeswijfae - 01-12-2013

I would like to get an official response soon.

RE: Are Paint.net Adventure comics still not allowed from being posted publicly? - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 01-13-2013

It depends on the content. I'm not as strict here as on Buildism but your previous warnings were for using racial slurs, describing inappropriate acts in detail and talking about another member's boobs...

I'll update the rules list so it's more obvious what isn't allowd.

RE: Are Paint.net Adventure comics still not allowed from being posted publicly? - ijfeswijfae - 01-13-2013

(01-13-2013, 06:09 PM)Jacob_ Wrote: talking about another member's boobs...

But Mysty isn't Ghosty.

All jokes aside, I'll try to see what I can do to be a friendlier user.

RE: Are Paint.net Adventure comics still not allowed from being posted publicly? - Hippo - 01-14-2013

(01-13-2013, 07:03 PM)Myem Wrote:
(01-13-2013, 06:09 PM)Jacob_ Wrote: talking about another member's boobs...

But Mysty isn't Ghosty.

Actually I think she did make an account

RE: Are Paint.net Adventure comics still not allowed from being posted publicly? - ijfeswijfae - 01-15-2013

(01-14-2013, 03:56 PM)Hippo Wrote:
(01-13-2013, 07:03 PM)Myem Wrote:
(01-13-2013, 06:09 PM)Jacob_ Wrote: talking about another member's boobs...

But Mysty isn't Ghosty.

Actually I think she did make an account

No, it's just Ghosty's imaginary chat friend who happens to be an important character of a date-rape young-adult novel that he/she/it made.

Check your facts.

RE: Are Paint.net Adventure comics still not allowed from being posted publicly? - Ghosty - 01-15-2013


RE: Are Paint.net Adventure comics still not allowed from being posted publicly? - ijfeswijfae - 01-15-2013

(01-15-2013, 02:01 PM)Ghosty Wrote: http://archive.buildism.net/players/mat251465/259

Why were you wearing a Jordanian shawl?

RE: Are Paint.net Adventure comics still not allowed from being posted publicly? - Ghosty - 01-16-2013

Oh good, you've forgotten. Wink