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Whenever someone quits Buildism - Printable Version

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Whenever someone quits Buildism - noob007 - 05-19-2011

They always come back a few days later.

It's funny how it always goes like that.

RE: Whenever someone quits Buildism - broloxer - 05-19-2011

(05-19-2011, 11:14 PM)noob007 Wrote: They always come back a few days later.

It's funny how it always goes like that.

I apologize for 'rage quitting'.

It was foolish, and I'm going to reframe from doing it again.

RE: Whenever someone quits Buildism - noob007 - 05-19-2011

It's fine. No need to apologize.

RE: Whenever someone quits Buildism - broloxer - 05-19-2011

(05-19-2011, 11:18 PM)noob007 Wrote: It's fine. No need to apologize.



RE: Whenever someone quits Buildism - Micky - 05-19-2011

Some some mebers DID quitted, i dont know if someone remembers Blizzard! He was extremly cool and he quitted Sad

RE: Whenever someone quits Buildism - Chaos - 05-19-2011

I agree. They come running right back.

RE: Whenever someone quits Buildism - Paradox - 05-19-2011

ILiekMudkipz and Asai never came back (But Asai came back for a little bit).

RE: Whenever someone quits Buildism - Car - 05-19-2011

Er, I havent been on in about 3 or 4 weeks?

RE: Whenever someone quits Buildism - Qwertygiy - 05-20-2011

(05-19-2011, 11:33 PM)Micky Wrote: Some some mebers DID quitted, i dont know if someone remembers Blizzard! He was extremly cool and he quitted Sad

Pun intended?

Anyway, he's one of the very few people who didn't even know what ROBLOX WAS until he joined Buildism.

RE: Whenever someone quits Buildism - Micky - 05-20-2011